Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Whose child ARE you??

  Today was interesting.

  I won't say it was a bad day, because it really wasn't. I laughed a lot, shook my head in amusement and found myself puzzled often.. thinking "WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON TODAY"
  The construction across the street is STILL going on, meaning our nap times and daily routine are STILL interrupted. We have pretty much given up on the idea of actually napping and settled for quite time, during which JT has to go play or watch a movie in his room while Ellie naps, so mommy can get an hour or so to herself. Believe it or not, although not as helpful as naps were, it is still somewhat working, and we had what I think may have been a real nap today..
  That honestly did not stop the weird atmosphere that existed today.. you know the day where you swear your child has been replaced with someone else's... similar to Freaky Friday except it's Wednesday and I am still me..
  If you are reading this right now, you probably already saw my post on Face Book about the bacon bits (in case you didn't JT thought they were a good enough substitute for the puffs he could not reach for Ellie) and the marshmallow picture (he gave those to her later.. Thank the Lord she takes small bites). This is only the tip of the iceberg for his behavior today.

   He decided for the first time ever to draw on my walls.. with pink chalk..... (he cleaned it up btw.)
   He jumped off just about every piece of furniture in my house, including the kitchen table.. Bravo for getting over your fear of heights little man... now GET OFF MY TABLE
   He fed the dog an entire GoGurt... better than squirting it on her back like last time but she does not handle dairy very well...  had to use an extra candle and some air freshner to fix that...
   He decided to wear my tree skirt as a cape.
   He dumped an entire bin of Christmas Decorations, plugged in 3 strands of lights, dumped 2 bins of toys that I just resorted last night, and lined my wall with christmas tree balls, in addition to dumping a change jar and throwing coins all over the place.
   He dumped his cup of milk on the floor (how he got it open is beyond me) and got down with the dog to lick it up..  yumm.. carpet lint.
   He sprayed my entire kitchen down with surface cleaner ( thank God its organic, gentle and smells nice)
   Insisted on a peanut butter sandwich that he refused to eat after I made it and instead poked about 15 holes in and licked the peanut butter off his fingers.
   Chased the dog and cat around all day, occasionally getting in front of them and waving his butt in their faces.
   Tried to run his sister over with a power wheel 2 times.. (which she seemed to think was hilarious)
   Dipped 2 socks in the dog water and rung them out on top of the dog and Ellie.
   Attempted to wipe his boogers on me.
  and Finally during "quiet time" managed to very quietly pull most of the clothes out of his drawers, empty a basket of clothes and both bins of toys that are in his room...

What happened to my kid? During all of this Ellie has decided to finally get fussy about cutting a tooth and insists on pulling herself up on everything. This would not be so bad if she did not try to let go right away when she has no idea how to balance herself.. and if she could get herself to whatever she wanted to pull up on. Since she does not crawl she just latches on to you as you walk by.. lol
  Needless to say I am wiped. I put both kids to bed and am sitting her enjoying quite possibly the best glass of wine that I have ever had. Ian picked it out even though not only does he not drink wine, but he does not drink at all anymore so I get it all to myself.. Not too sure if it is so amazing because of my crazy day.. or if its really just that good.... at this point.. I don't even care.

I sure hope somebody's day was less wacky than mine!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

rainy day.. blog day

   Where to even start today???  There have been a few things going on that have disrupted normal life in the Thomas Household...

   We finally got to the bottom of the "sort-of pregnant" issue...  There is not going to be a baby after all, slightly sad about that, however happy that we will have a bit more time to prepare, and especially happy to finally get an answer. There was however an issue with my thyroid which was stopping my body from releasing whatever pregnancy hormone had been created, and thus more blood work... WHAT FUN! My medicine has been adjusted and we are on track, hopefully now that I am back on the weight loss plan I had started we will actually start to see some results soon.

   Ian is working again, and with it being a new company there is of course an adjustment period to new hours.. since he took a slight pay cut we are happy for the increase in hours (at least for now while we play the fun game of catch up).

  We are back in full-on house search mode.. (YAY!!!) and we are good to go and looking actively for our very first house!!!  I have to say that for me this is the most exciting thing going on. Between wanting to buy for so long and having a continuous interruption of plans, and the new incentive of recent break ins and violence in my area, I am BEYOND ready to move the heck out of here and start fresh.

  I think with everything that has been going on I have been having a hard time getting in any sort of holiday mood. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving ( and not just because it is around my birthday, because my birthday is actually not enjoyable for me ) and I never even really got into that (despite making 3 turkeys). Halloween did not even feel like anything more than just another day, I stayed home for Black Friday, I get irritated every time I hear Christmas music playing on the radio (don't yell at me) and now that I have a live Christmas Tree sitting in my living room I am having a hard time coming up with the festive mood required to decorate the darn thing.. Which really is a shame considering I threw a fit when my husband asked if we really needed to get a tree this year.

  I am thinking that I need a good old fashioned night out, maybe a pedicure, some alone time SOMETHING.. something to reset my funky attitude and then I can start to enjoy some Christmas Spirit and look forward to my favorite part of Christmas...  giving.  I know that everyone says that, but honestly I have a hard time even thinking of anything that I want for Christmas..  I spend hours obsessing over the perfect gift for everyone else, and thoroughly enjoy wrapping and making under the tree look pretty. I even like to color coordinate my wrapping and bows...

I hate to let every holiday at the end of this year go to waste.. so I have a plan for a night out and some creative time to shake me out of my funk.. If this does not work I will have to resort to the one thing that never fails me when I am completely down....  A carton of Ice cream, jammies, my 2 besties and the best movie ever.....  Big Daddy