Friday, June 28, 2013

Ellie (no)Pants

   How many of you have met Ellie?  For all that just silently answered "I" ( I mean if you answered out loud that's cool too.. but no need to over achieve) you are aware that she is a nut. I say this with all the love in the world. For a mama who hoped and prayed for 3 boys, I would never even think of trading her in. Except perhaps for brief moments in the day when her stubborn attitude and overflowing charisma overwhelm me. She has thrown me for so many loops that I was just never prepared for.
   If you have children or even know someone close to you who does you are aware that pregnant women get an over abundance of information when they are expecting. Everything from peoples opinions on how often to feed and where your child should sleep. I was even warned about who would be harder to potty train and how they would get along. For whatever reason a pregnant belly seems to bring out the opinionated public. Here however is something nobody says out loud to you..

   Your kid is going to take their clothes off everywhere.

   I just did all of you childless readers a favor ( except my neighbors... they have learned so many things since we moved here last year ) You may not know it yet, but its true. Ellie... she is probably the worst offender. The amount of times a week I have to say "you can not go outside without underwear on"  is probably a world record. I should honestly call Guinness. A few weeks back she strolled outside in absolutely nothing but a pair of pink Crocs. Priorities people.. we have a gravel driveway, she knows that is no fun on bare feet.
   I guess we let her get away with it at first because she was potty training and it was just easier, but then again she never really liked clothing before and just ran around in a diaper. She refuses to wear clothes to bed.. its a Pull-up and that's it. But the hardest part is trying to keep the clothes together. It seems that as soon as we walk in she leaves a trail of clothes through the house. I can NEVER find her underwear, I mean unless I am moving the furniture around in which case I find 3 pair shoved behind the couch.
   Not sure if she does this on purpose or they just end up there, but its super annoying. I am sure its amusing for my visitors.. I can't tell you how many times Ellie has pushed open the door while I was talking to the delivery guy and her dimply butt is just hanging out. Yesterday we were at a friends house when Ellie walks up to tell me something and I realize she is wearing nothing but a t-shirt.
   How on earth do you keep a stubborn 2 year olds clothes on when she has made up her mind that she is not going to wear them? The best part is that she is so goofy about it. She is free, and happy. and can easily convince anyone to help her remove her clothing by making up some reason why it must be done and then running.
   Ever seen that commercial with the dad dipping his kids feet in a pan of white something or other when the wife walks in and they explain that they were tired of their socks stretching out? She then pulls out some new socks and walks away. I wonder if they would be willing to tell me what substance he used.. My daughter could use some permanent underwear, because if I have to tell her to find some underwear and stop shaking her butt at me one more time, I might explode. But at least she doesn't drop her pants and pee in the middle of the front yard like JT. Count your blessings??

Friday, June 21, 2013

my addiction, and a bit of delusion

   I have never really thought of myself as having an addictive personality, although several members of my family I would probably say otherwise. I was able to quit smoking with little fuss, although the cravings are occasionally still there. Apparently that is pretty normal of previous smokers.  I have never had a drinking problem, even though for a while there I was going out frequently with friends, I was able to control how much I drank each time and sadly watched a few of my friends struggle with that composure. Both of these are things that a lot of people struggle with greatly.
  But along came Pinterest and Netflix and I am slowly reevaluating my views of myself. I mean who does not find Pinterest amazing? There is always something new, and always something that you can use (even if its the posts of how to use things you will hardly ever need to use in different ways, also for things that will hardly ever happen.. BUT in case one of those rare situations comes up, I will have the answer and that's all that really matters, even if it involves me sifting through a board on Pinterest for 30 minutes to find it.) I have used it for decorating my home, learning how to make awesome wreaths, organizing ideas - who else would have told me to stuff a bean bag cover with all those stuffed animals I can't justify getting rid of for the kids? They wanted a bean bag chair anyways, and now if it pops I wont have stupid beans everywhere, and I freed up a whole bin of toys without having to get rid of them. BAM! ( remember that hoarding post? Yeah.. Its still an issue.. don't  judge me.
   I get really irritated with people who post all of their Pinterest pins to Facebook. If you are one of those people.. I still love you but dangit.. STOP. I can't find out what my friends are doing when I have to sift through your 5 million recipes. You only need it in one place... How am I supposed to Facebook stalk my high school friends when I am distracted by your cookies??
   Speaking of Cookies though.. I have a new recipe that I want to try. And I have recently been visiting the food boards, as anyone who follows me on Pinterest would know. Tried some really awesome sandwich wraps in case you care.
   I have also been struggling with pulling myself away from a series on Netflix. I am seriously behind on the bandwagon, but since a lot of my shows just ended ( I know I am too old to care but seriously? I have watched 5 seasons of The Secret Life for them to NOT end up together... That's just plain dumb. You are ruining peoples belief in love and commitment. He changed for you Amy, and what do you do? You leave. I take back 5 years of liking you!!) I finally broke down and started watching The Vampire Diaries. I started 2 weeks ago today and I am half way through season 3. Having children kind of hinders my ability to just sit and watch the way I would like and I try to tell myself that showering and running errands actually need to happen. Sometimes Elena and Stephan win though.. I mean... you can't stop watching when they leave you hanging like that!! OK, so it's cutting into my sleep some.
   A few months ago it was Private Practice. So much drama!! So many tears. Ian laughed at my personal investment in fictional characters lives. It's somewhat of an issue, it's also why I enjoy reading series. I hate getting absorbed in a book just for it to be over. I just can't stand not knowing what happens once it's over. I loved the ending to Charmed. The last episode was a review of the rest of their lives.. it gave me closure. And then I watched the whole series 3 more times, and still cried.
   Ian says I just have bad taste in television, but I get bored watching his silly educational TV. I don't want to learn, I want to bond with these people, we are sharing life stories, they know me. This is our quality time.
   Sometimes I think having internet access is bad for my health, good thing for me the business requires it, and Ian is more obsessed than me and couldn't survive without it. So I justify it by finding useful stuff, like tonight's dinner, which promises to be amazing, and all is right in my world. Now, please excuse me... I told myself I would finish laundry before I could go back to watching.. and the dryer just beeped.. WHOOP WHOOP!

Monday, June 10, 2013

oh Reha.

   Not sure if I told ya'll or not, but while I was in the hospital Houdini Reha made her grand return.
   Oh, you know, nothing like poppin' out a kid and then finding out less than 24 hours later that your dog is wandering the neighborhood with your other dog in tow (you know the one who had literally just gotten home from having her junk removed).  Since then we learned that she destroyed her cage. We are talking broke the door beyond useability ( don't judge me- its a word). First she bent it outwards, Ian hammered it back .. Hammered.. did you catch that? he had to HAMMER it back. We rigged the cage so she could no longer push the door out and she outsmarted us by pulling it in. Finally she just broke the plastic off the cage that the pegs of the door fit into, rendering the door completely unattachable. JERK
   Without the option of a cage to put her in when leaving we were forced to leave her to roam the house when we are gone. I do a pretty good job of making sure the house stays clean, and that everything she might be interested in is put away before we leave.. and then she unlocked the deadbolt and crushed the door handle with her teeth. Again roaming the neighborhood...
   We are talking a round brass door knob that is no longer round in shape but more oblong.. not quite oval, with teeth marks all over it. she also opened the door to the closet and helped herself to a bag of dog food, and opened the bathroom door and helped herself to some trash. Cookie decided to join in on this party and took a dump in my hallway.
   I blocked all the doors and went out the side to meet a friend for brunch last week. . We had about a week of no destruction ... the mistake was trusting her.. She made up for lost time by shredding the cushion to my chair. it had a small hole to begin with, but when I came home and witnessed the death of my chair I was honestly too pissed to even do anything about it except walk back out the door and leave again. She had literally shredded the entire cushion cover and had little bits of fabric all over the house. The batting was demolished and the foam was missing chunks. Pretty sure I saw actual teeth marks in there.
   Needless to say we had to get some new furniture.. Not sure if I am diggin' it or not ( who knows that may be the trick to keep her from destroying it.. one can hope) as I can't figure out how to set up the living room in order to maximize space in a weirdly shaped room. Mostly though I am just determined to deliver payback... REHA IS GETTING FIXED!!!!!!!!!!.. you destroy my comfy chair, I have your junk removed.. tit for tat... take that jerkface... and I shall shame you by posting pictures of you with a stupid cone on your head.