Let's talk Cicadas. So I am not sure how the cicadas are where you live, but as Ian and I bought a house that backs up to the battlefield drive park, they are super loud. I had seen a few before Porter was born, and there was the lovely schluffed off shells all over the place as well as evidence of them coming out of the ground, After Porter was born however it was like arriving to a whole new planet.
I stepped out of the car with Porter for the first time to discover this amazing noise that was humming all through the neighborhood. I find the noise beautiful, Ian- not so much. He was not actually aware of what the noise was until I was laying in bed and asked him if he could hear it. Even though I find it soothing to listen to I don't particularly care for the little critters themselves. I find them somewhat creepy looking. They have these big eyes and creepy wings. Thanks to my dislike for bugs in general, having millions of cicadas outside mid orgy has kept me and the kids in the house for the most part. Unfortunately it looks like we missed all the pretty spring weather thanks to my nesting and now the bugs, but luckily it was not all without reason, as there is a new fresh baby in the house that requires a bit of attention.
On the way to meet my mom at the store last week I had climbed in the van to buckle up JT and Ellie. I had no intention of getting out of the van, so I was still wearing my PJ pants. Mid buckling of JT he and Ellie start to scream simultaneously. Startled and confused I scream "what the heck is wrong with you??" and they both point to my leg and start repeating
" There's a Cay-duh on your leg, there's a cay-duh on your leg"
Holy cow kids. Not only did you wake the baby, but you about gave me a darn heart attack over a bug that won't even hurt me. Now if we were talking the huge spider I saw the night before I would feel that it was justified. This sucker was not like the huge hunting spiders I have grown accustomed to seeing at my door. Not that I am ok with them by any means, but at least I somewhat expect to see them. This guy on the other hand was big black and furry. He was hiding in the corner by my front door, waiting, I am sure, to strike out at me as I walk by and swallow me whole, never to be seen again.
Ian does not think this is possible, however my response is, why do you think there are so many unsolved missing persons cases without any lead what-so-ever?? They were eaten by big furry spiders, mark my word.
I made Ian kill it, and now I meticulously check the door again before I go in or out. The cicadas don't actually scare me, they just give me the eebie-jeebies. The kids are fine with them as long as there is a pane of glass between them and the cicada. When we are outside they don't even watch where they are going or what they are doing, they watch the ground and scream "another cay-duh, it's another bug, EW"
They have not even really bothered to request going outside, which I feel awful about. They need to get out some energy, but at the same time I am thankful because I am equally as paranoid about bugs touching me and I don't want to have to sit outside scanning my surroundings for these huge flying insects. I can't remember how long they stick around, but I am sure hoping that it's not too much longer. I will miss the hum of their song first thing in the morning, but I am also looking forward to getting the kids a kiddie pool and getting some old fashioned Vitamin D. .. and not having to bribe my husband to let the dogs out at night because I can't see them. But then there are always the man eating spiders.
This is a blog about my experiences. The things that I was not told that growing up included, and all of the things I never heard about being a mom, wife and a friend.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
Life with Porter

Obviously all of you know that my pregnancy was not that bad this go-round. I actually enjoyed it. There were only a small handful of days that I can remember being truly miserable, I mean aside from all the vomiting in the beginning part. I will happily spare you all the labor and delivery details, and leave you with this on that topic..
Epidural- didn't work
Porter- Got stuck, weighed 8lbs 12 oz and 19.5 inches long.
Labor- not really fun, and I had taken 2 Ambien. . suuupper sleepy.
So here we are, almost a week later. It's been over 2 years since I had to change those teeny tiny newborn diapers, you truly forget how much they squirm, and hate having to be wiped with those cold wet wipes. It's been almost 4 years since I had to change a newborn with a circumcision, poor little winkie.
As I was holding Porter last night after both of the hellions were in bed (I am allowed to call them hellions this week, believe me. It has been fun, more on that in a minute) I started to think about the differences in bringing home babies 1, 2 & 3. It was amusing.
Baby number 1 you are always so careful. Everything has to be washed first, sanitized, super clean. You are quiet when they are sleeping and would NEVER dream of waking them up to feed. I mean who cares that you are engorged and exhausted and emotional, that little human is sleeping, the vacuum can wait and the dogs need to be as far away as possible so they don't disturb the baby. You have time for naps, and take advantage of that whole sleep when the baby is sleeping thing. You can be organized, the diaper bag always has what it needs and you have this under control. . . after you get over the whole "Holy CRAP, I am a parent and I have to be responsible for this miniature person" thing.
Baby number 2 comes home and you realize that sometimes they are going to stick things in their mouth that have not been sterilized first. You are a little less weary about waking them for two reasons. One- you are a little busy chasing a toddler around, and Two- if you don't nurse now you are going to spring a leak in the grocery store. Weighing the options between screaming baby and huge wet spots on the front of your shirt.. always take screaming baby. People feel bad for you when you have a screaming infant and a toddler staring at you, asking you for fruit snacks for the 5 millionth time. They just STARE at you when you have a soaking wet t-shirt and 2 innocent looking children making no noise. At this point you try to maintain schedule, time it just right so that both kids nap at the same time, or at least are manageable and still give you some resemblance of a life outside of spit up, poop and pureed foods, which lets be honest are basically all the same thing.
Then there is baby number 3. Remaining quiet while anyone is asleep in your house is pretty much a joke. The kids are all on different schedules and you figure to hell with it if one of them misses a nap, cause you have to go grocery shopping. You find yourself saying things like "Don't stick that in the baby's face." and " For the love of all that is holy, I asked you to throw the diaper in the trash, not at your brother." Things are far from perfect, and the idea of a nap is like daydreaming of Narnia. It's perfect in theory but honestly, never gonna happen. But surprisingly you are less bothered by all of it, and with any sense of humor you remind yourself the first 2 are still alive you can't be that bad of a parent, and when that doesn't work there's always wine.
I told Ian last night that despite our childrens attitude issues the last few days, I feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's been a little too easy. I have barely cried, and I have not gotten stressed out. It feels natural to have Porter here. I have, however, had it up to my stretch marks with repeating myself to JT and Ellie about being nice to each other. I know that it is not Porter related because we go through this every couple of months, but geez did they pick some terrible timing or what. It's really hard to yell at them when yelling makes your hoo-ha feel like you just ran it over a cheese grater. What on earth is so hard about letting your sister have the stupid dirty sock. If that's what she wants to play with than let her be, I will give her extra vitamins this week and brush her teeth real good. And why can't she just stop running away with whatever it is that he wants to have at that moment. If I have to remind them not to run in the house and scream like they are being chased by lions one more time today than I might explode.
On the upside I have not had to remind them to be easy with the baby. They understand that he is no longer in my belly and instead is out here and we have to be careful around him. They love to hold him and they love to be wherever he is. They have asked to help with just about every aspect of his care, and JT seems to really feel in touch with Porter's hunger needs. He lets me know whenever Porter is hungry, and reminded me yesterday that I have to be easy with Porter's pee-pee. Think I got this little man.
I am completely in love with my family. I love watching them interact and watching Ian hold them. I love all the kisses they sneak and the funny things they say. We went to grab some burgers last night from 5 Guys.... mmm... and while we were waiting at the table for our food so we could take it home I asked JT and Ellie if they wanted to draw me a picture while we waited for food. As I walk towards the back of the restaurant to grab markers and index cards, JT says " BOOB?! Wait for BOOB?" LOL I tried really hard not to laugh and said "no silly FOOD. While we wait for our burgers and fries. "He responded with " Oh! Good, I don't want to eat your boob. That's for Porter" Well then.. I am glad that this place is almost empty.
I do have some pictures of the kids, that I plan on posting to Facebook today. Just have to get around to putting them on the computer.
I have more blogs planned.. for instance, I think I jinxed myself when I said Reha had been really good. ---- she broke her cage. . Yeah, destroyed it. And then there are the cicadas.. or as my children like to call them "Cay Duhs" and then there are just plain cute pictures of Porter. I promise to get around to these soon. Happy Monday
Friday, May 10, 2013
Tears, attitudes, allergies and over-tired babies
Believe it or not, all in one day. How fabulous you say? yep.. welcome to my life today.
My day started out with a sink full of dirty dishes and a dishwasher full of clean ones. My least favorite chore in the world is unloading the dishwasher. I would rather clean your toilet. But last night I decided to take the better late than never attitude and get started on some freezer meals for post Porter.
My meal of choice was lasagna, because lets face it, lasagna is amazing and when made from scratch it is nothing short of perfection... as long as you don't burn it. After an hour of sauce making I decided I was done for the night and we were going to have some spaghetti. Of course Porter decided that food was not really high up on his priority list (neither apparently is getting out of me, I think we will need to discuss rearranging some things in his life) and I was able to eat approximately 5 bites before I was done.
I was a bit grumpy, overly sensitive and for the first time this pregnancy had swollen feet, so after putting the kids to bed I went to sleep too. Ian did however put the food away which was awesome of him, mainly because I would have been pissed had all that sauce gone to waste. Back on track.. Dishes..
I did not have a restful nights sleep, and therefore had little energy to start things this morning. I did finally get around to cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, while I kicked the kids out on the deck to blow bubbles and play water guns. For those of you who don't speak toddler I will translate for you..
"Let's shoot the cat with water guns and dump bubbles on the deck. See how many times you can ask mom to fill something up and let the dog out on accident."
After cleaning I got the call from the vet in regards to yesterdays visit for Cookie, my rat terrier who turns 7 next month. her white blood count was high and since she had gotten worse they recommended an emergency surgery to remove her infected uterus. They however could not fit her in until Tuesday and recommended anti-biotics to hopefully keep her alive until then. There were no guarantees and they suggested that if we could find somewhere that could do the surgery sooner than to take it.
We did. It cost us twice as much, but after rushing her over for an exam she seemed a bit lethargic. She had gotten to the point of not even lifting her head in response to being called. Overnight she had become distended and developed a high fever. The second vet did an x-ray to confirm and discovered that her uterus was very close to rupture and her liver was showing signs of stress as well. Lots of money later, along with 2 children literally bouncing off the walls, knocking over things and climbing over furniture, and me, an unshowered pregnant lady bawling in the exam room later, I was walking out without my dog. I cried the whole ride home.
Cookie was my first animal. She has been around as long as my husband ( who by the way has been very sweet through this whole thing, and told me that he couldn't let my dog die days before I have a baby) and she has been through a lot with me. She was my first baby, especially when we were unsure if we would ever have human babies of our own. The thought of losing her when she was completely healthy was not a bearable thought, so facing that in reality made for a pretty rough day.
I came home and attempted to distract myself by compiling the lasagna. It does look yummy, but it is in the freezer for another night. Besides I don't think my body would allow me to enjoy it right now. In addition to the tiresome day, I am making all the necessary arrangements for my induction on Tuesday. I am worried about leaving Cookie mid recovery to deliver a baby, and hoping to deliver before the induction all at the same time. I feel very conflicted about it all and totally unprepared. There are still things I want to do, and through contractions and pressure I am only able to do so much at once.
Add to all of my fun that the kids have some terrible allergies going on and the medication we usually use is temporarily unavailable. With itchy eyes and discharge and runny noses they have been a mess to deal with. Both of them insisted on getting in the shower with me, and while that is the one place they behaved today it was short lived. I made noodles for dinner and they are unaware that bed time is just moments away. This mama has surpassed her daily limit of crap to deal with, and if I have to listen to them fight or scream one more time I think I might explode.
I think the only way that this day could be salvaged would be with Cheesecake. Yummy yummy cheesecake and a small glass of wine, (which has been approved by my doctor before I get any lectures). I am still waiting for my husband to return home, and hoping he will stop to oblige me.
As a side note I was reminded never to ask the following question out loud. Even when your son is poking his sister in the eye and your daughter is dumping shredded cheese on the dog. " Can this day get any worse?"
Why you ask? Because the answer is.. "sure can. Here is some water leaking from the fridge that was not there 5 minutes ago that you can slip on. That mini heart attack is a warning not to ask again"
Goodnight blog readers. I sincerely hope every single one of your days was better than mine. Love you guys!
My day started out with a sink full of dirty dishes and a dishwasher full of clean ones. My least favorite chore in the world is unloading the dishwasher. I would rather clean your toilet. But last night I decided to take the better late than never attitude and get started on some freezer meals for post Porter.
My meal of choice was lasagna, because lets face it, lasagna is amazing and when made from scratch it is nothing short of perfection... as long as you don't burn it. After an hour of sauce making I decided I was done for the night and we were going to have some spaghetti. Of course Porter decided that food was not really high up on his priority list (neither apparently is getting out of me, I think we will need to discuss rearranging some things in his life) and I was able to eat approximately 5 bites before I was done.
I was a bit grumpy, overly sensitive and for the first time this pregnancy had swollen feet, so after putting the kids to bed I went to sleep too. Ian did however put the food away which was awesome of him, mainly because I would have been pissed had all that sauce gone to waste. Back on track.. Dishes..
I did not have a restful nights sleep, and therefore had little energy to start things this morning. I did finally get around to cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, while I kicked the kids out on the deck to blow bubbles and play water guns. For those of you who don't speak toddler I will translate for you..
"Let's shoot the cat with water guns and dump bubbles on the deck. See how many times you can ask mom to fill something up and let the dog out on accident."
After cleaning I got the call from the vet in regards to yesterdays visit for Cookie, my rat terrier who turns 7 next month. her white blood count was high and since she had gotten worse they recommended an emergency surgery to remove her infected uterus. They however could not fit her in until Tuesday and recommended anti-biotics to hopefully keep her alive until then. There were no guarantees and they suggested that if we could find somewhere that could do the surgery sooner than to take it.
We did. It cost us twice as much, but after rushing her over for an exam she seemed a bit lethargic. She had gotten to the point of not even lifting her head in response to being called. Overnight she had become distended and developed a high fever. The second vet did an x-ray to confirm and discovered that her uterus was very close to rupture and her liver was showing signs of stress as well. Lots of money later, along with 2 children literally bouncing off the walls, knocking over things and climbing over furniture, and me, an unshowered pregnant lady bawling in the exam room later, I was walking out without my dog. I cried the whole ride home.

I came home and attempted to distract myself by compiling the lasagna. It does look yummy, but it is in the freezer for another night. Besides I don't think my body would allow me to enjoy it right now. In addition to the tiresome day, I am making all the necessary arrangements for my induction on Tuesday. I am worried about leaving Cookie mid recovery to deliver a baby, and hoping to deliver before the induction all at the same time. I feel very conflicted about it all and totally unprepared. There are still things I want to do, and through contractions and pressure I am only able to do so much at once.
Add to all of my fun that the kids have some terrible allergies going on and the medication we usually use is temporarily unavailable. With itchy eyes and discharge and runny noses they have been a mess to deal with. Both of them insisted on getting in the shower with me, and while that is the one place they behaved today it was short lived. I made noodles for dinner and they are unaware that bed time is just moments away. This mama has surpassed her daily limit of crap to deal with, and if I have to listen to them fight or scream one more time I think I might explode.
I think the only way that this day could be salvaged would be with Cheesecake. Yummy yummy cheesecake and a small glass of wine, (which has been approved by my doctor before I get any lectures). I am still waiting for my husband to return home, and hoping he will stop to oblige me.
As a side note I was reminded never to ask the following question out loud. Even when your son is poking his sister in the eye and your daughter is dumping shredded cheese on the dog. " Can this day get any worse?"
Why you ask? Because the answer is.. "sure can. Here is some water leaking from the fridge that was not there 5 minutes ago that you can slip on. That mini heart attack is a warning not to ask again"
Goodnight blog readers. I sincerely hope every single one of your days was better than mine. Love you guys!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
6:30 am observations
I have been in full "Evict Porter" mode for a few days now. I have done just about everything I can think of or read up on to no avail.. After laying in bed for over an hour this morning I decided that while it was a.) not raining and b.) there were no children awake except the inhabitant, I would use my time wisely and go for a walk.
My walks are normally accompanied by either my neighbor or my husband and always at least 1 child. This means that there is a lot of stopping and slow movement, as my toddlers like to stop and observe EVERYTHING on their walks. Not that this is really a bad thing, but when you are more focused on making sure you don't lose one, rarely do you take the time to stop and look around. This morning on the other hand I had the time to observe, and the luxury of walking at my speed.
I made mental note of a few things that I am not sure I would have noticed otherwise. For example... an unfortunate amount of frogs get run over in my neighborhood. Which really is sad for me because in addition to my mammal loving tendencies, I also used to own a few frogs. They were actually African Fire bellied Toads. Super cool little things that make a barking noise rather than the suspected "ribbit" or "croak." I am even that crazy lady that will intentionally avoid hitting one if I can help it without putting myself or any other vehicles in danger.
Another random tidbit that may interest you all.. The cicadas are really coming. It's started already, and they are just as creepy as I remember them being when I was a kid. I can remember my dad taking me outside to show me what they looked like and me getting all close and personal with one that was chilling on the tree in the back yard. I am curious to see the reactions of my children to these weird looking super bugs, as neither kid really cares too much for the insect varieties. Last night while waiting for Ian to get home I spotted a spider in the floor. We get some super yucky ones here, like the hunting spiders that are the size of your face and jump.. Ok, the size part may be a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much.. and they really do jump. This one, however, was only about an inch long, and even though I am TERRIFIED of spiders I was not in the mood for JT to see it first and then have to listen to the screaming and crying that accompany such sightings. After I started beating it with a flip flop and squirming like a baby getting a diaper changed, he caught on. He backed off very slowly and when it was dead he said.. " Mommy. That was yucky. I really really hate spiders."
Me too, little man, me too.
Also, I was impressed to see that most of my neighbors are not procrastinators like we are and had their trash out on the curbs already. While this week we do have ours out, we usually just barely make the trash pick up. Sadly, not as many of them recycle as I would like to see, and the environmentalist in me considered taping a flyer to their trash cans about how easy it is. You already pay for the service people.. just throw your crap in there and put it out with the trash. Its the same day, and they even make it easy for you... no sorting and they don't even ask that you rinse it. The recycle can tells you you don't have to. Come ON!!
On a happier note, I have found a new yard in my neighborhood to obsess over. There is one that I really like that the landscaping is just beautiful. Half of our neighborhood got a facelift last year when we had the hail storm. Including our house, many of them got either new roofs, new siding or both. Its amazing how much updated siding can do for the appeal of the neighborhood. The lovely landscaped house also took that time to start working on their yard. The gentleman that lives there has been doing it himself, I see him out in his yard most every weekend and sometimes during the week too. They lined their huge ditch with big garden stones and have the pretty flowers that creep over them strategically placed. They have beautiful, full, colorful flower beds lining their property, and a pretty bridge to get over the ditch. It really is gorgeous and they have not even finished yet. This new house's yard is not as elaborate, but seriously people not a single weed in their grass. Its gorgeous, and had it not been soaked from a day and half of rain I may have been tempted to lay in it. It just looks so comfy and plush. They do have a flower bed, and well mulched beds bordering the house, but the grass... beautiful. Compared to my house at the moment though I think the majority of the houses in my neighborhood are ahead. In all fairness though, you guys saw the Kubota pictures with JT. . We did just have 2 stumps removed from the front yard, one of which belonged to what Ian and I had affectionately named the Octo-Tree. This baby spread its seed like nobodies business. And the root system on those things were awful. By the time you realized it was there it was too late. Nothing sort of Round-Up took care of them by the time they reached a foot tall, and you even had to cut the top off to make sure the round up got in their good enough. I should post a picture of what the stump looked like out of the ground, It reminds me of Ursula..
Yes, I think it is just as evil as her too.
Other than that I have nothing new and exciting to say today. However.. If any of you would like to send happy labor thoughts my way I would not turn them down. Happy Wednesday?!
My walks are normally accompanied by either my neighbor or my husband and always at least 1 child. This means that there is a lot of stopping and slow movement, as my toddlers like to stop and observe EVERYTHING on their walks. Not that this is really a bad thing, but when you are more focused on making sure you don't lose one, rarely do you take the time to stop and look around. This morning on the other hand I had the time to observe, and the luxury of walking at my speed.
I made mental note of a few things that I am not sure I would have noticed otherwise. For example... an unfortunate amount of frogs get run over in my neighborhood. Which really is sad for me because in addition to my mammal loving tendencies, I also used to own a few frogs. They were actually African Fire bellied Toads. Super cool little things that make a barking noise rather than the suspected "ribbit" or "croak." I am even that crazy lady that will intentionally avoid hitting one if I can help it without putting myself or any other vehicles in danger.
Another random tidbit that may interest you all.. The cicadas are really coming. It's started already, and they are just as creepy as I remember them being when I was a kid. I can remember my dad taking me outside to show me what they looked like and me getting all close and personal with one that was chilling on the tree in the back yard. I am curious to see the reactions of my children to these weird looking super bugs, as neither kid really cares too much for the insect varieties. Last night while waiting for Ian to get home I spotted a spider in the floor. We get some super yucky ones here, like the hunting spiders that are the size of your face and jump.. Ok, the size part may be a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much.. and they really do jump. This one, however, was only about an inch long, and even though I am TERRIFIED of spiders I was not in the mood for JT to see it first and then have to listen to the screaming and crying that accompany such sightings. After I started beating it with a flip flop and squirming like a baby getting a diaper changed, he caught on. He backed off very slowly and when it was dead he said.. " Mommy. That was yucky. I really really hate spiders."
Me too, little man, me too.
Also, I was impressed to see that most of my neighbors are not procrastinators like we are and had their trash out on the curbs already. While this week we do have ours out, we usually just barely make the trash pick up. Sadly, not as many of them recycle as I would like to see, and the environmentalist in me considered taping a flyer to their trash cans about how easy it is. You already pay for the service people.. just throw your crap in there and put it out with the trash. Its the same day, and they even make it easy for you... no sorting and they don't even ask that you rinse it. The recycle can tells you you don't have to. Come ON!!
On a happier note, I have found a new yard in my neighborhood to obsess over. There is one that I really like that the landscaping is just beautiful. Half of our neighborhood got a facelift last year when we had the hail storm. Including our house, many of them got either new roofs, new siding or both. Its amazing how much updated siding can do for the appeal of the neighborhood. The lovely landscaped house also took that time to start working on their yard. The gentleman that lives there has been doing it himself, I see him out in his yard most every weekend and sometimes during the week too. They lined their huge ditch with big garden stones and have the pretty flowers that creep over them strategically placed. They have beautiful, full, colorful flower beds lining their property, and a pretty bridge to get over the ditch. It really is gorgeous and they have not even finished yet. This new house's yard is not as elaborate, but seriously people not a single weed in their grass. Its gorgeous, and had it not been soaked from a day and half of rain I may have been tempted to lay in it. It just looks so comfy and plush. They do have a flower bed, and well mulched beds bordering the house, but the grass... beautiful. Compared to my house at the moment though I think the majority of the houses in my neighborhood are ahead. In all fairness though, you guys saw the Kubota pictures with JT. . We did just have 2 stumps removed from the front yard, one of which belonged to what Ian and I had affectionately named the Octo-Tree. This baby spread its seed like nobodies business. And the root system on those things were awful. By the time you realized it was there it was too late. Nothing sort of Round-Up took care of them by the time they reached a foot tall, and you even had to cut the top off to make sure the round up got in their good enough. I should post a picture of what the stump looked like out of the ground, It reminds me of Ursula..
Yes, I think it is just as evil as her too.
Other than that I have nothing new and exciting to say today. However.. If any of you would like to send happy labor thoughts my way I would not turn them down. Happy Wednesday?!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Daddy has a PeePee, Mommy has a Gyna
Please tell me that the title of this blog threw you for a loop.
My children have recently decided that anatomy is a favorite topic of conversation. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. But it gets a little strange around here.
I have always believed that my children would know the correct terms for body parts and not treat them as if they are taboo. JT and Ellie are only toddlers but they understand that babies drink from Mommy's breasts, and its called nursing. They don't stare or ask questions, it does not confuse them, and I don't ask that anyone hide what they are doing. To me its beautiful and natural and they should respect it. They also know that boys have a penis and testicles and girls have vagina's.
For some reason this has become a justification for things.. Let me give you an example.
JT: I am going to see MY Daddy.
Ellie: No, MY Daddy
JT: NO ELLIE. MY Daddy. Daddy has a Pee Pee, you have a gyna.
this actually worked by the way. . she agreed that it made sense and let him go alone without further argument. I was shocked and confused because what on EARTH does this have to do with the price of eggs in China? I mean seriously. . He fathered both of you with the same body part.. I am not sure why he can only be one of yours..
Then there was yesterday. We are standing outside watching Ian chop up some of those roots from the tree stumps I just told you about and JT (who for some reason has an obsession with peeing outside) decides to walk between the van and Ian's work truck and start peeing. Ellie walks over to see what he is doing, partially because she is nosey and partially because she loves to irritate him, and he informs her of the following:
" I have a pee pee, so I can pee outside, you have a gyna so you have to sit on the potty."
To which her response was "OH, you have a pee pee" and begins to giggle. Oh dear.
They have also recently decided that it's cool to compliment people. Without really understanding how to do this, they just walk around telling people that they like random objects. As I step out of the shower a few weeks ago JT looks me in the face and says "Mommy, I like your boobs" ummm.. Thanks? He also likes my belly, my toes, my hair, phone, pants and teeth. As far as I am concerned I think the kid has crush on me. Or there is absolutely nothing he does not like.. except vegetables, and meat, and his sister taking his stuff.
Ellie just likes to copy him, or randomly rub my skin and stare at me with a creepy grin on her face. Once I had a nightmare about it.. In said nightmare she was like a Chucky doll.. Not cool when I woke up to her staring me in the face in real life. Sometimes I think Ian's dreams are better. He doesn't remember any of them, but they seem pretty cool... he gets to sing opera and laugh.. I get my children turning into killer dolls. There seems to be some injustice here. Not to mention he never gets the eebie jeebies in a dark room with the kids.
There are also some key phrases that get some extra attention and usage out of the mouths of JT and Ellie.. Here are a few..
" You kiddin' me Bub-bub?" (that is what Ellie calls JT during normal conversation. If she is mad at him his name is James Irbin Thom-as
" I am" - doesn't matter what you ask them to do, this is the response.. well either this or no.. pretty predictable around here
" Not nice" Ellie was throwing a fit the other day and threw herself back onto Reha's pig toy. She stood up gave the pig a dirty look, picked up and pointed her finger in its face and said "not nice! Do it again and you get a sfankin" and then threw the pig across the room. She seems to like to threaten to spank people or objects.. She even threatened to spank my friends little boy that is her age. He was a little grumpy and pushed her away while sitting in his moms lap..
"Giddie up Horsie"- another mutual favorite. Sometimes they try to ride the dogs, other times its their toys or each other or Ian.. I once caught Ellie trying to sit on a 3 inch tall plastic horse.. I really wish I had gotten a picture of that. It was awesome.
" I need boom"- in an attempt to procrastinate anything (including time outs and bed time) my children will request fist bumps.. followed by high fives and "pinky" which is just a made up tapping of pinkies in the sequence of hand gestures. Ellie uses her pointer finger, but either way they call it pinky.
I love my crazy children.. I personally think they are the coolest kids ever. We do a lot of laughing.. and mostly I feel like its at Ellie, because she is a nut. I just feel the need to warn you that if you are around my children they are going to ask you some personal questions.. or in the case of my neighbor, call you by the wrong name and shove their hand down your shirt.. Sorry about that "engine"
My children have recently decided that anatomy is a favorite topic of conversation. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. But it gets a little strange around here.
I have always believed that my children would know the correct terms for body parts and not treat them as if they are taboo. JT and Ellie are only toddlers but they understand that babies drink from Mommy's breasts, and its called nursing. They don't stare or ask questions, it does not confuse them, and I don't ask that anyone hide what they are doing. To me its beautiful and natural and they should respect it. They also know that boys have a penis and testicles and girls have vagina's.
For some reason this has become a justification for things.. Let me give you an example.
JT: I am going to see MY Daddy.
Ellie: No, MY Daddy
JT: NO ELLIE. MY Daddy. Daddy has a Pee Pee, you have a gyna.
this actually worked by the way. . she agreed that it made sense and let him go alone without further argument. I was shocked and confused because what on EARTH does this have to do with the price of eggs in China? I mean seriously. . He fathered both of you with the same body part.. I am not sure why he can only be one of yours..
Then there was yesterday. We are standing outside watching Ian chop up some of those roots from the tree stumps I just told you about and JT (who for some reason has an obsession with peeing outside) decides to walk between the van and Ian's work truck and start peeing. Ellie walks over to see what he is doing, partially because she is nosey and partially because she loves to irritate him, and he informs her of the following:
" I have a pee pee, so I can pee outside, you have a gyna so you have to sit on the potty."
To which her response was "OH, you have a pee pee" and begins to giggle. Oh dear.
They have also recently decided that it's cool to compliment people. Without really understanding how to do this, they just walk around telling people that they like random objects. As I step out of the shower a few weeks ago JT looks me in the face and says "Mommy, I like your boobs" ummm.. Thanks? He also likes my belly, my toes, my hair, phone, pants and teeth. As far as I am concerned I think the kid has crush on me. Or there is absolutely nothing he does not like.. except vegetables, and meat, and his sister taking his stuff.
Ellie just likes to copy him, or randomly rub my skin and stare at me with a creepy grin on her face. Once I had a nightmare about it.. In said nightmare she was like a Chucky doll.. Not cool when I woke up to her staring me in the face in real life. Sometimes I think Ian's dreams are better. He doesn't remember any of them, but they seem pretty cool... he gets to sing opera and laugh.. I get my children turning into killer dolls. There seems to be some injustice here. Not to mention he never gets the eebie jeebies in a dark room with the kids.
There are also some key phrases that get some extra attention and usage out of the mouths of JT and Ellie.. Here are a few..
" You kiddin' me Bub-bub?" (that is what Ellie calls JT during normal conversation. If she is mad at him his name is James Irbin Thom-as
" I am" - doesn't matter what you ask them to do, this is the response.. well either this or no.. pretty predictable around here
" Not nice" Ellie was throwing a fit the other day and threw herself back onto Reha's pig toy. She stood up gave the pig a dirty look, picked up and pointed her finger in its face and said "not nice! Do it again and you get a sfankin" and then threw the pig across the room. She seems to like to threaten to spank people or objects.. She even threatened to spank my friends little boy that is her age. He was a little grumpy and pushed her away while sitting in his moms lap..
"Giddie up Horsie"- another mutual favorite. Sometimes they try to ride the dogs, other times its their toys or each other or Ian.. I once caught Ellie trying to sit on a 3 inch tall plastic horse.. I really wish I had gotten a picture of that. It was awesome.
" I need boom"- in an attempt to procrastinate anything (including time outs and bed time) my children will request fist bumps.. followed by high fives and "pinky" which is just a made up tapping of pinkies in the sequence of hand gestures. Ellie uses her pointer finger, but either way they call it pinky.
I love my crazy children.. I personally think they are the coolest kids ever. We do a lot of laughing.. and mostly I feel like its at Ellie, because she is a nut. I just feel the need to warn you that if you are around my children they are going to ask you some personal questions.. or in the case of my neighbor, call you by the wrong name and shove their hand down your shirt.. Sorry about that "engine"
overdue unexciting news
Wow. Ladies and Gentlemen I am sorry that it has taken me several weeks to get around to posting.. I guess a general update is in order.
Well... I am still pregnant. Should be obvious since there have been no Facebook status updates to inform you otherwise, however... you would be surprised by how many times I get asked that question in a day. I promise you it is not for lack of trying, as I have done just about everything suggested to speed this process up... except that whole black cohosh/ castor oil idea.. My body is sore and tired enough I really don't have any interest in puking my guts out at this point... or expelling them in another manner either.
Aside from the general anxiety I get every single time I think abut giving birth, and the jittery feeling I get when I realize I could be meeting my little guy any day pregnancy is honestly not that bad.
I will allow that to sink in. I feel it's fair to give a moment after making a statement like that.
I mean don't get me wrong... I am finished. I am ready to meet him, to be able to roll over on my own and take unsupervised baths. I DO NOT want to be induced and therefore am attempting to evict my stomachs inhabitant at any moment. Other than that I am still content. There are aches and pains, but I feel like those are part of the territory and never really went away after getting knocked up the first time. I still enjoy the movement inside of me. I still like knowing he is safe and sound in there, and can move around with a great deal of ease ( as long as I am in an upright position). True, it feels like somebody walked up and kneed me square in the pubic bone, but I can eat, I can breathe I am not swollen or in any sort of immense discomfort, and honestly once he comes out I have to adjust to managing to keep alive 3 children instead of 2.
You would think that anxiety would be null and void since I have already done this 2 times, but seriously have any of you met Ellie??? She is like hell on wheels rolled into cute chubby legs and cheeks and a deceiving smile. Don't believe me? Spend the day with her. She can only fool you for a few hours, after that its all true colors and attitude. But she is adorable.. and FUNNY, and a nudist.
My grandma informed me its a family trait... and her stubborn attitude and nudity are stemmed from me giving her the middle name Lorraine. I was surprised.. I thought it was more of a Linkenhoker thing. If not I will be relieved as long as it is not also attached to the Everett name.
Other than pregnancy, there has been little going on in my house. Lots of me freaking out that the house is not spotless, gotta love nesting, and yard work. I am truly excited that my yard is finally getting around to being usable and presentable. At the moment there are 2 huge dirt piles in the front yard with roots sticking out of them, but that is what happens when you have stumps removed. The garden is starting to come together, the kids have room to play with their toys without stepping in dog poop or tripping on sticks. There is no longer a pile of leaves the size of China in my back yard, and for the most part the random piles of yard debris have been cleared out as well. I trimmed the azalea bushes so they are all nice and pretty, and I rid the front of a dead ugly bush by the mailbox. I even planted some day lillie's and plan to transplant some iris' to the area to spruce up the curb appeal.
My roses are about to start blooming and my daddy gave me some ornamental grass that I am super excited about. Ian even keeps the yard cut.... WHAT?!? It's pretty awesome! Now when I stare at the front of my house from across the street.. Ok look I spend a good amount of time discussing gardening and lawns with my neighbor. I can't believe I am old enough to say that. Anyways.. back on topic.. Now when I stare at my house from her bay window I focus on replacing the blinds from the cheap $3 walmart ones to the faux wood blinds with the 2 inch slats. I would love to have the real wood ones, but lets me honest, I have an 80 lb dog who likes to look out the window and bark at random passers by.. I don't want to spend $60 every time she decided to act like a jackass.
There is still some work to do in the yard, and that will come with time. If anyone is in need of taking out some anger though I have a whole area you can come chop down and dig out. . . No... Seriously. I have plans. =D
The kids are doing great. Ellie officially weighs more than JT, still a few inches to go to beat him there though. They are both very excited about Porter and have some very unusual topics of conversation that I will be addressing in the next blog. The animals are good, Reha has actually started listening a lot better and I can leave her out when company is here. If we are out in the yard she will still escape to come see us but there have only been 2 or 3 instances of her taking off down the street in the last 6 months or so. All of which involved a cat. I can't decide if she likes them or hates them.. she barks viciously and non stop at them, but she wags her tail the whole time. I don't think she would ever hurt one, but I am not sure what she thinks they should do in response to her... What can I say? It's Reha.
Ian had a very uneventful birthday. He turned 29, and came home after working all day to the kids screaming, me crying and a cake without candles. The kids took turns singing to him and opted for cake rather than dinner.. Ian's birthday... Ian's executive decision. We had chinese. He did take JT to see the new Iron Man movie. They both seemed to enjoy it.
Other than that folks I can not think of much to say. OH Except I bought a new mop.. It is just like a swiffer but with a re-usable cleaning pad and the cleaner container is refillable with whatever cleaner you like to use.. I was stoked. Don't judge me.
Well... I am still pregnant. Should be obvious since there have been no Facebook status updates to inform you otherwise, however... you would be surprised by how many times I get asked that question in a day. I promise you it is not for lack of trying, as I have done just about everything suggested to speed this process up... except that whole black cohosh/ castor oil idea.. My body is sore and tired enough I really don't have any interest in puking my guts out at this point... or expelling them in another manner either.
Aside from the general anxiety I get every single time I think abut giving birth, and the jittery feeling I get when I realize I could be meeting my little guy any day pregnancy is honestly not that bad.
I will allow that to sink in. I feel it's fair to give a moment after making a statement like that.
I mean don't get me wrong... I am finished. I am ready to meet him, to be able to roll over on my own and take unsupervised baths. I DO NOT want to be induced and therefore am attempting to evict my stomachs inhabitant at any moment. Other than that I am still content. There are aches and pains, but I feel like those are part of the territory and never really went away after getting knocked up the first time. I still enjoy the movement inside of me. I still like knowing he is safe and sound in there, and can move around with a great deal of ease ( as long as I am in an upright position). True, it feels like somebody walked up and kneed me square in the pubic bone, but I can eat, I can breathe I am not swollen or in any sort of immense discomfort, and honestly once he comes out I have to adjust to managing to keep alive 3 children instead of 2.
You would think that anxiety would be null and void since I have already done this 2 times, but seriously have any of you met Ellie??? She is like hell on wheels rolled into cute chubby legs and cheeks and a deceiving smile. Don't believe me? Spend the day with her. She can only fool you for a few hours, after that its all true colors and attitude. But she is adorable.. and FUNNY, and a nudist.
My grandma informed me its a family trait... and her stubborn attitude and nudity are stemmed from me giving her the middle name Lorraine. I was surprised.. I thought it was more of a Linkenhoker thing. If not I will be relieved as long as it is not also attached to the Everett name.
Other than pregnancy, there has been little going on in my house. Lots of me freaking out that the house is not spotless, gotta love nesting, and yard work. I am truly excited that my yard is finally getting around to being usable and presentable. At the moment there are 2 huge dirt piles in the front yard with roots sticking out of them, but that is what happens when you have stumps removed. The garden is starting to come together, the kids have room to play with their toys without stepping in dog poop or tripping on sticks. There is no longer a pile of leaves the size of China in my back yard, and for the most part the random piles of yard debris have been cleared out as well. I trimmed the azalea bushes so they are all nice and pretty, and I rid the front of a dead ugly bush by the mailbox. I even planted some day lillie's and plan to transplant some iris' to the area to spruce up the curb appeal.
My roses are about to start blooming and my daddy gave me some ornamental grass that I am super excited about. Ian even keeps the yard cut.... WHAT?!? It's pretty awesome! Now when I stare at the front of my house from across the street.. Ok look I spend a good amount of time discussing gardening and lawns with my neighbor. I can't believe I am old enough to say that. Anyways.. back on topic.. Now when I stare at my house from her bay window I focus on replacing the blinds from the cheap $3 walmart ones to the faux wood blinds with the 2 inch slats. I would love to have the real wood ones, but lets me honest, I have an 80 lb dog who likes to look out the window and bark at random passers by.. I don't want to spend $60 every time she decided to act like a jackass.
There is still some work to do in the yard, and that will come with time. If anyone is in need of taking out some anger though I have a whole area you can come chop down and dig out. . . No... Seriously. I have plans. =D
The kids are doing great. Ellie officially weighs more than JT, still a few inches to go to beat him there though. They are both very excited about Porter and have some very unusual topics of conversation that I will be addressing in the next blog. The animals are good, Reha has actually started listening a lot better and I can leave her out when company is here. If we are out in the yard she will still escape to come see us but there have only been 2 or 3 instances of her taking off down the street in the last 6 months or so. All of which involved a cat. I can't decide if she likes them or hates them.. she barks viciously and non stop at them, but she wags her tail the whole time. I don't think she would ever hurt one, but I am not sure what she thinks they should do in response to her... What can I say? It's Reha.
Ian had a very uneventful birthday. He turned 29, and came home after working all day to the kids screaming, me crying and a cake without candles. The kids took turns singing to him and opted for cake rather than dinner.. Ian's birthday... Ian's executive decision. We had chinese. He did take JT to see the new Iron Man movie. They both seemed to enjoy it.
Other than that folks I can not think of much to say. OH Except I bought a new mop.. It is just like a swiffer but with a re-usable cleaning pad and the cleaner container is refillable with whatever cleaner you like to use.. I was stoked. Don't judge me.
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