My day started out with a sink full of dirty dishes and a dishwasher full of clean ones. My least favorite chore in the world is unloading the dishwasher. I would rather clean your toilet. But last night I decided to take the better late than never attitude and get started on some freezer meals for post Porter.
My meal of choice was lasagna, because lets face it, lasagna is amazing and when made from scratch it is nothing short of perfection... as long as you don't burn it. After an hour of sauce making I decided I was done for the night and we were going to have some spaghetti. Of course Porter decided that food was not really high up on his priority list (neither apparently is getting out of me, I think we will need to discuss rearranging some things in his life) and I was able to eat approximately 5 bites before I was done.
I was a bit grumpy, overly sensitive and for the first time this pregnancy had swollen feet, so after putting the kids to bed I went to sleep too. Ian did however put the food away which was awesome of him, mainly because I would have been pissed had all that sauce gone to waste. Back on track.. Dishes..
I did not have a restful nights sleep, and therefore had little energy to start things this morning. I did finally get around to cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, while I kicked the kids out on the deck to blow bubbles and play water guns. For those of you who don't speak toddler I will translate for you..
"Let's shoot the cat with water guns and dump bubbles on the deck. See how many times you can ask mom to fill something up and let the dog out on accident."
After cleaning I got the call from the vet in regards to yesterdays visit for Cookie, my rat terrier who turns 7 next month. her white blood count was high and since she had gotten worse they recommended an emergency surgery to remove her infected uterus. They however could not fit her in until Tuesday and recommended anti-biotics to hopefully keep her alive until then. There were no guarantees and they suggested that if we could find somewhere that could do the surgery sooner than to take it.
We did. It cost us twice as much, but after rushing her over for an exam she seemed a bit lethargic. She had gotten to the point of not even lifting her head in response to being called. Overnight she had become distended and developed a high fever. The second vet did an x-ray to confirm and discovered that her uterus was very close to rupture and her liver was showing signs of stress as well. Lots of money later, along with 2 children literally bouncing off the walls, knocking over things and climbing over furniture, and me, an unshowered pregnant lady bawling in the exam room later, I was walking out without my dog. I cried the whole ride home.

I came home and attempted to distract myself by compiling the lasagna. It does look yummy, but it is in the freezer for another night. Besides I don't think my body would allow me to enjoy it right now. In addition to the tiresome day, I am making all the necessary arrangements for my induction on Tuesday. I am worried about leaving Cookie mid recovery to deliver a baby, and hoping to deliver before the induction all at the same time. I feel very conflicted about it all and totally unprepared. There are still things I want to do, and through contractions and pressure I am only able to do so much at once.
Add to all of my fun that the kids have some terrible allergies going on and the medication we usually use is temporarily unavailable. With itchy eyes and discharge and runny noses they have been a mess to deal with. Both of them insisted on getting in the shower with me, and while that is the one place they behaved today it was short lived. I made noodles for dinner and they are unaware that bed time is just moments away. This mama has surpassed her daily limit of crap to deal with, and if I have to listen to them fight or scream one more time I think I might explode.
I think the only way that this day could be salvaged would be with Cheesecake. Yummy yummy cheesecake and a small glass of wine, (which has been approved by my doctor before I get any lectures). I am still waiting for my husband to return home, and hoping he will stop to oblige me.
As a side note I was reminded never to ask the following question out loud. Even when your son is poking his sister in the eye and your daughter is dumping shredded cheese on the dog. " Can this day get any worse?"
Why you ask? Because the answer is.. "sure can. Here is some water leaking from the fridge that was not there 5 minutes ago that you can slip on. That mini heart attack is a warning not to ask again"
Goodnight blog readers. I sincerely hope every single one of your days was better than mine. Love you guys!
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