Obviously all of you know that my pregnancy was not that bad this go-round. I actually enjoyed it. There were only a small handful of days that I can remember being truly miserable, I mean aside from all the vomiting in the beginning part. I will happily spare you all the labor and delivery details, and leave you with this on that topic..
Epidural- didn't work
Porter- Got stuck, weighed 8lbs 12 oz and 19.5 inches long.
Labor- not really fun, and I had taken 2 Ambien. . suuupper sleepy.
So here we are, almost a week later. It's been over 2 years since I had to change those teeny tiny newborn diapers, you truly forget how much they squirm, and hate having to be wiped with those cold wet wipes. It's been almost 4 years since I had to change a newborn with a circumcision, poor little winkie.
As I was holding Porter last night after both of the hellions were in bed (I am allowed to call them hellions this week, believe me. It has been fun, more on that in a minute) I started to think about the differences in bringing home babies 1, 2 & 3. It was amusing.
Baby number 1 you are always so careful. Everything has to be washed first, sanitized, super clean. You are quiet when they are sleeping and would NEVER dream of waking them up to feed. I mean who cares that you are engorged and exhausted and emotional, that little human is sleeping, the vacuum can wait and the dogs need to be as far away as possible so they don't disturb the baby. You have time for naps, and take advantage of that whole sleep when the baby is sleeping thing. You can be organized, the diaper bag always has what it needs and you have this under control. . . after you get over the whole "Holy CRAP, I am a parent and I have to be responsible for this miniature person" thing.
Baby number 2 comes home and you realize that sometimes they are going to stick things in their mouth that have not been sterilized first. You are a little less weary about waking them for two reasons. One- you are a little busy chasing a toddler around, and Two- if you don't nurse now you are going to spring a leak in the grocery store. Weighing the options between screaming baby and huge wet spots on the front of your shirt.. always take screaming baby. People feel bad for you when you have a screaming infant and a toddler staring at you, asking you for fruit snacks for the 5 millionth time. They just STARE at you when you have a soaking wet t-shirt and 2 innocent looking children making no noise. At this point you try to maintain schedule, time it just right so that both kids nap at the same time, or at least are manageable and still give you some resemblance of a life outside of spit up, poop and pureed foods, which lets be honest are basically all the same thing.
Then there is baby number 3. Remaining quiet while anyone is asleep in your house is pretty much a joke. The kids are all on different schedules and you figure to hell with it if one of them misses a nap, cause you have to go grocery shopping. You find yourself saying things like "Don't stick that in the baby's face." and " For the love of all that is holy, I asked you to throw the diaper in the trash, not at your brother." Things are far from perfect, and the idea of a nap is like daydreaming of Narnia. It's perfect in theory but honestly, never gonna happen. But surprisingly you are less bothered by all of it, and with any sense of humor you remind yourself the first 2 are still alive you can't be that bad of a parent, and when that doesn't work there's always wine.
I told Ian last night that despite our childrens attitude issues the last few days, I feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's been a little too easy. I have barely cried, and I have not gotten stressed out. It feels natural to have Porter here. I have, however, had it up to my stretch marks with repeating myself to JT and Ellie about being nice to each other. I know that it is not Porter related because we go through this every couple of months, but geez did they pick some terrible timing or what. It's really hard to yell at them when yelling makes your hoo-ha feel like you just ran it over a cheese grater. What on earth is so hard about letting your sister have the stupid dirty sock. If that's what she wants to play with than let her be, I will give her extra vitamins this week and brush her teeth real good. And why can't she just stop running away with whatever it is that he wants to have at that moment. If I have to remind them not to run in the house and scream like they are being chased by lions one more time today than I might explode.
On the upside I have not had to remind them to be easy with the baby. They understand that he is no longer in my belly and instead is out here and we have to be careful around him. They love to hold him and they love to be wherever he is. They have asked to help with just about every aspect of his care, and JT seems to really feel in touch with Porter's hunger needs. He lets me know whenever Porter is hungry, and reminded me yesterday that I have to be easy with Porter's pee-pee. Think I got this little man.
I am completely in love with my family. I love watching them interact and watching Ian hold them. I love all the kisses they sneak and the funny things they say. We went to grab some burgers last night from 5 Guys.... mmm... and while we were waiting at the table for our food so we could take it home I asked JT and Ellie if they wanted to draw me a picture while we waited for food. As I walk towards the back of the restaurant to grab markers and index cards, JT says " BOOB?! Wait for BOOB?" LOL I tried really hard not to laugh and said "no silly FOOD. While we wait for our burgers and fries. "He responded with " Oh! Good, I don't want to eat your boob. That's for Porter" Well then.. I am glad that this place is almost empty.
I do have some pictures of the kids, that I plan on posting to Facebook today. Just have to get around to putting them on the computer.
I have more blogs planned.. for instance, I think I jinxed myself when I said Reha had been really good. ---- she broke her cage. . Yeah, destroyed it. And then there are the cicadas.. or as my children like to call them "Cay Duhs" and then there are just plain cute pictures of Porter. I promise to get around to these soon. Happy Monday
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