Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Adventures of Potty Training.

   Let's be honest. Nobody really wants to potty train. We all swear life is going to be so much easier when our kids can go to the bathroom all by themselves, but really, is the week of pee and poop all over the place really worth it? Not to mention.. After all is said and done, you still have to remind them 90 times an hour to go on the potty so they don't forget.. and then there's still the wiping issue.
   I have been potty training J.T. for about 4 days now. Really potty training, not just pretending I am by sitting him on the potty once a day (really it was once a week but I am trying to make myself look a little better here people.. help  me out.) Needless to say it has been slightly on the interesting side.

   By interesting I mean of course ,A PAIN IN THE BUTT.

Day one:  Not bad. I was pretty impressed actually with both my ability to remember that we were actually doing this this time ( I have fooled myself a few times into thinking that we were serious and always fall through.) and his ability to realize when he was about to go, and let me know in time to rush him off to his froggy throne. We had one poop involving accident.. That one was totally my fault as I was in the middle of changing Ellie and he honestly tried to tell me and I did not get to him in time. We moved past that quickly. Over all a successful day.

Day two: FAILURE. I don't think he peed on the potty once. All over my carpet? YES. All over the kitchen floor? YES. The pile of clothes that I had just taken out of the dryer? YES. All over me? YES.
He did poop on the potty 3 times (WOO HOO!) and throw an absolute fit when I tried to put a diaper on him for nap time. None the less, I spent a good majority of the day trying to remind myself we were not accepting defeat this time.

Day three: We bought more underwear. Super cute ones too. I mean honestly.. You all know that the two things I love most about babies is their feet and their little butt cheeks.. there is nothing in this world cuter than baby butts... and now the cutest part of my son walks around sporting Mater, Buzz, Woody, Wall-E, and Nemo. I finally gave into my urge to take a picture when he was not looking.

Day four: We started out weak. He refused to sit on the potty, he screamed at me and tried to keep his undies on while sitting there.. he discovered the little pee-pee hole in the front of his underwear and kept playing with it..Half the time he went half the time he peed on my rug. When we left for the mall he tried to convince me to let him wear his underwear over his diaper.

   We are getting there. It may come down to a battle of wills, but I will win. So far the couch is skating by without harm...  although I personally hate this couch and would set fire to it if it were not inside my house so I guess we will just have to see how long it can slide by. I have spent more time this week wiping up pee spots from my son than I have pretty much anything else.. As parents I wonder how on earth we are so oblivious to how hard simple tasks can be. I mean I could hold my pee for hours when I was a kid just to prevent getting out of bed in the middle of the night. ( my brother had me terrified there was something hiding in my room that could only be seen when all the lights were off, and thus I had to wait til dawn to get out of bed.) My son on the other hand can't figure out how to hold his pee for 3 seconds to run to the bathroom.. Needless to say, I think the next few weeks are going to be fun.

   And by fun, of course, I mean.. totally not.

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