Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Whose child ARE you??

  Today was interesting.

  I won't say it was a bad day, because it really wasn't. I laughed a lot, shook my head in amusement and found myself puzzled often.. thinking "WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON TODAY"
  The construction across the street is STILL going on, meaning our nap times and daily routine are STILL interrupted. We have pretty much given up on the idea of actually napping and settled for quite time, during which JT has to go play or watch a movie in his room while Ellie naps, so mommy can get an hour or so to herself. Believe it or not, although not as helpful as naps were, it is still somewhat working, and we had what I think may have been a real nap today..
  That honestly did not stop the weird atmosphere that existed today.. you know the day where you swear your child has been replaced with someone else's... similar to Freaky Friday except it's Wednesday and I am still me..
  If you are reading this right now, you probably already saw my post on Face Book about the bacon bits (in case you didn't JT thought they were a good enough substitute for the puffs he could not reach for Ellie) and the marshmallow picture (he gave those to her later.. Thank the Lord she takes small bites). This is only the tip of the iceberg for his behavior today.

   He decided for the first time ever to draw on my walls.. with pink chalk..... (he cleaned it up btw.)
   He jumped off just about every piece of furniture in my house, including the kitchen table.. Bravo for getting over your fear of heights little man... now GET OFF MY TABLE
   He fed the dog an entire GoGurt... better than squirting it on her back like last time but she does not handle dairy very well...  had to use an extra candle and some air freshner to fix that...
   He decided to wear my tree skirt as a cape.
   He dumped an entire bin of Christmas Decorations, plugged in 3 strands of lights, dumped 2 bins of toys that I just resorted last night, and lined my wall with christmas tree balls, in addition to dumping a change jar and throwing coins all over the place.
   He dumped his cup of milk on the floor (how he got it open is beyond me) and got down with the dog to lick it up..  yumm.. carpet lint.
   He sprayed my entire kitchen down with surface cleaner ( thank God its organic, gentle and smells nice)
   Insisted on a peanut butter sandwich that he refused to eat after I made it and instead poked about 15 holes in and licked the peanut butter off his fingers.
   Chased the dog and cat around all day, occasionally getting in front of them and waving his butt in their faces.
   Tried to run his sister over with a power wheel 2 times.. (which she seemed to think was hilarious)
   Dipped 2 socks in the dog water and rung them out on top of the dog and Ellie.
   Attempted to wipe his boogers on me.
  and Finally during "quiet time" managed to very quietly pull most of the clothes out of his drawers, empty a basket of clothes and both bins of toys that are in his room...

What happened to my kid? During all of this Ellie has decided to finally get fussy about cutting a tooth and insists on pulling herself up on everything. This would not be so bad if she did not try to let go right away when she has no idea how to balance herself.. and if she could get herself to whatever she wanted to pull up on. Since she does not crawl she just latches on to you as you walk by.. lol
  Needless to say I am wiped. I put both kids to bed and am sitting her enjoying quite possibly the best glass of wine that I have ever had. Ian picked it out even though not only does he not drink wine, but he does not drink at all anymore so I get it all to myself.. Not too sure if it is so amazing because of my crazy day.. or if its really just that good.... at this point.. I don't even care.

I sure hope somebody's day was less wacky than mine!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

rainy day.. blog day

   Where to even start today???  There have been a few things going on that have disrupted normal life in the Thomas Household...

   We finally got to the bottom of the "sort-of pregnant" issue...  There is not going to be a baby after all, slightly sad about that, however happy that we will have a bit more time to prepare, and especially happy to finally get an answer. There was however an issue with my thyroid which was stopping my body from releasing whatever pregnancy hormone had been created, and thus more blood work... WHAT FUN! My medicine has been adjusted and we are on track, hopefully now that I am back on the weight loss plan I had started we will actually start to see some results soon.

   Ian is working again, and with it being a new company there is of course an adjustment period to new hours.. since he took a slight pay cut we are happy for the increase in hours (at least for now while we play the fun game of catch up).

  We are back in full-on house search mode.. (YAY!!!) and we are good to go and looking actively for our very first house!!!  I have to say that for me this is the most exciting thing going on. Between wanting to buy for so long and having a continuous interruption of plans, and the new incentive of recent break ins and violence in my area, I am BEYOND ready to move the heck out of here and start fresh.

  I think with everything that has been going on I have been having a hard time getting in any sort of holiday mood. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving ( and not just because it is around my birthday, because my birthday is actually not enjoyable for me ) and I never even really got into that (despite making 3 turkeys). Halloween did not even feel like anything more than just another day, I stayed home for Black Friday, I get irritated every time I hear Christmas music playing on the radio (don't yell at me) and now that I have a live Christmas Tree sitting in my living room I am having a hard time coming up with the festive mood required to decorate the darn thing.. Which really is a shame considering I threw a fit when my husband asked if we really needed to get a tree this year.

  I am thinking that I need a good old fashioned night out, maybe a pedicure, some alone time SOMETHING.. something to reset my funky attitude and then I can start to enjoy some Christmas Spirit and look forward to my favorite part of Christmas...  giving.  I know that everyone says that, but honestly I have a hard time even thinking of anything that I want for Christmas..  I spend hours obsessing over the perfect gift for everyone else, and thoroughly enjoy wrapping and making under the tree look pretty. I even like to color coordinate my wrapping and bows...

I hate to let every holiday at the end of this year go to waste.. so I have a plan for a night out and some creative time to shake me out of my funk.. If this does not work I will have to resort to the one thing that never fails me when I am completely down....  A carton of Ice cream, jammies, my 2 besties and the best movie ever.....  Big Daddy

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

the beginning of a nudist

   I must disclaim that he probably gets this from me. Or his father, actually.. I think it kind of runs in the family, but JT has recently discovered the joys of being naked.
   It is probably my fault. He has seen me and Ian nude enough that the images are most likely burned horrifically in his retinas, add to that the many months of witnessing me nurse and he has seen enough parental nudity to cause some long lasting effect. When he was about 10 months old he began the stage of not wanting to let me get him dressed after changing his diapers in the morning. Being in the very fun stages of morning sickness I usually let him go without fighting it, but would constantly tell him that "mommy does not support your nudist habits until you are old enough to explain why you want them."


Yesterday marked the 4th day in a row that I walked into JT's room after he had been asleep to find his room completely destroyed and him 100% naked. No diaper, no socks.. nothing but happy. After telling him for the first few days that he needs to at least keep his diaper on, and ignoring it the next I finally asked him about it.. The conversation went something like this...

Me: JT, buddy, why did you take your clothes off again?
Him: Cause
Me: Mommy told you that 'cause' is not a good enough answer. Were you hot? did you pee pee through your diaper?
Him: Nope. didn't want it
Me: You didn't want your clothes on?
Him: yup, no clothes, don't want it
Me: and your diaper?
Him: no Diaper
Me: Pee pee on the potty like a big boy and we don't have to wear diapies anymore
Him: No, no potty
Me: Then you have to wear a diapie so you don't pee pee on mommy's floor.
Him: No mommy, no diapie no pants. Don't want it.

   Well then. I guess we have a naked toddler running around for awhile. So please call before you show up from now on, unless you are ok with naked children talking to you.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"sort-of" Pregnant

   A few weeks ago I got a feeling that I had had once (actually twice) before. I knew I was pregnant. It did not make any sense because I (if anyone else recalls) had an IUD placed at my 6 week check-up after Ellie was born. Yet...  call it female intuition, a 6th sense, a really good memory.. whatever...  I was laying in bed at 1 in the morning and knew.   I made Ian go to the store and get a test. He came home with 2. The first of which was invalid, the second of which was positive immediately and then the second line went away. I was surely not satisfied with that answer so I threw on some sweats and went for another round of tests.
  So there I am in the store at almost 2 am buying pregnancy tests.. which quite frankly made me feel like an idiot! None the less I bring them home and take both at the same time.. One negative and one faintly positive. CRAP
   I hardly sleep (completely freaking out) and wait ever so impatiently to call the doctor for an appointment, however they do not open until 9..  who opens that late???  They are thankfully able to get me in that afternoon.
   Feeling nervous and scared I go in for an ultrasound that showed a small fetal sac (approximately 4 weeks) but that is all. My IUD is removed and I am on my way to the lab to get some blood drawn.
   The next day I make a call to the doctor to ask a question and the nurse tells me that my lab results are in. Of course being anxious to know I ask what they are and she says something that I did NOT expect...
   "Your results were negative"

Umm.. Excuse me?  I saw the sac, The doctor would not have removed my BIRTH CONTROL (that I am still paying on btw) If I was not indeed pregnant. This has to be a mistake. They ask me to come back for another blood test which I find out the next day is also negative.

   Now wait...  I just don't understand. The results are negative, but I have a positive pregnancy test still sitting on my counter... and.. and..

  The doctor says that one of 2 things could have happened but there is no way to tell..  Either.. I "miscarried" when my IUD was removed, or I have what is called a "blighted ovum" which is where a sac is formed but a baby is not actually there, resulting in an empty womb. Either way, there is no baby, I am not pregnant and expect to "miscarry" within a few days.
  There are just some problems with this answer.. I still FEEL pregnant. I still don't understand. And most of all.. I am sad, confused.... ANGRY. It has been 2 weeks. In that time I have cried like crazy, prayed even harder, and fought the strong urge to climb in my bed and not get out for a few days... or months. But without having that option I get up and go about my day. Still a little confused and angry, and sad.
  In that time 2 of my friends have announced their pregnancy  (congrats by the way, from the very deepenst part of my heart), we got excited and told family and some close friends, and I have still not passed the "baby". I feel like I did when we were trying to conceive, when I watched 7 friends get pregnant and countless women glow in the stores and on the streets. It seemed everywhere I went there was someone who was pregnant. Now however, I am pregnant and I have 2 babies at home to love on when I get sad and to think of  and be thankful for when I get angry, but I want to be positive, I want to be ok with all of this, and I want to know where to go from here.
  Do we try to conceive and go through that heart ache again? Do we chose to let God decide for us again like we did with Ellie? Do we go back to the original 2 year plan? And how do I deal with this loss when I have not lost anything yet, and there was nothing really there to lose?
   I have a slight numbness inside that I know I can not allow to stay there, but that numbness was the only thing that pulled me out of my 2 day crying, sobbing, sniffling, depressed and angry state. So I sit here, opening up to the world..  while "sort of" pregnant, and knowing that one day I will find my answer.

  Please know that even though I am sharing this with you all, I do not want to be pitied, I do not want your apologies, because you did nothing wrong. I do not want you to dance around my feelings, because I am strong and I will figure this out. And I ask that you not try to give me words of encouragement because frankly I am not sure how to process them at this time.. I simply wanted to share with you what is going on in my life right now. I needed to get it off my chest, lay it on the table and start sorting through. So for the words that you were planning on giving me, I thank you for your kindness and your well thoughts. I thank you for wanting to be my friends, because I need them in this time of confusion for me, and one day I will be willing to talk to you about it if I have not already opened up to you personally.. Until then... I hope that you never have to go through it for yourself.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


   Everyone has a friend (at least one friend) who thinks that the only way to parent is their own right???  {Please tell me I am not the only one who knows these crazy people!} You know the ones who only move their child up in clothing and diaper sizes according to age, even if the clothes don't fit. The ones who wait for the doctor's ok to do EVERYTHING, and like to put their child on a schedule from day 1 that is more packed than a highschooler who is on every team known to man.
  I am not trying to say that I am the worlds best mom, I know darn well that I will not be recieving a call on my childrens 18th birthdays for never having made a mistake while parenting... Because I know that we are not in competition with one another. I will do my best to raise my children to be respectful, well rounded, self confident and individual. But for the love of all that is holy people.. remember that they are children. They grow fast enough as it is, they are exposed to way too much way too fast.
   I quite frankly am not going to remember (or care!) that my son was potty trained 2 months before his friends. It sure will not get him into a great college, or earn him billions of dollars so why push it?! I enjoy spending free time with my kids, throwing a kink in the routine and letting them play, hearing them laugh, doing fun things, letting strangers laugh at me for jumping out and scaring the bejeezuz out of my 2 year old at the store because he wants to "hiiide, hiiide"
  Don't get me wrong, he is required to use his manners, we have a time out bench that has a nice worn spot from his butt when spankings are not the right fit for the crime.. but he is a toddler. He does not need to know 3 different languages and count to 100. He knows the basics, his name (and how to spell it) some of his letters, how to count to 5, how to play, how to love, how to be compassionate, and that mommy and daddy are not always right- that sometimes mommies and daddies need to say sorry too.

Next time I see a "my kid is better than yours" attitude across someones face I plan on asking this question.

                    What on Earth does it matter? Are they happy? Because mine are.


I will start off saying this... 
            I am aware that not everyone believes in a higher being. I know that even among those who do, that there is way too much that varies between believers to cover in any blog..  Again though, this is a blog about me...  so, keep in mind that I am not trying to pursuade anyone to believe as I do. I respect everyones beliefs, and only ask that you do the same for me.

   I have spent a good portion of my life not really sure what I believe. I mean.. It takes a large leap of faith for anyone to believe in something that you can not see. But then again we believe in air and we can not see that. I guess that is besides the point.
   Do I believe that there is a God? That everyone goes to either Heaven or Hell? That we go nowhere? That we are supposed to follow the Bible word for word, or use it as a general guide?  There are alot of questions that I have always had, but I guess I have always believed that there is SOME higher being. If that is Allah, or Zues or God or are they all really the same just in different forms? 
  I like to believe that there is a God, and that he is watching over us and that in one way or another there is somewhere we go after this life. I guess it provides me with comfort to believe that way. Otherwise my life is filled with negativity and doubt. What point is there to life if there is no place to go after this?

   I have recently had a lot of my faith questions answered. I am doing my best to sort out the mess that I have made of religion in my head and to live the way that I think I am supposed to. I will not sit here and tell everyone exactly what I believe, why I believe that way, and how to live your lives, how to think etc. I will simply end with this...

             Tolerance. Nobody is ever going to see things EXACTLY the way that you do. People will always, always have a difference in opinions on something. sometimes it may be slightly different, sometimes vastly different. Does that mean that we should wage war on each others beliefs and inner workings?  I don't think we should. then again that is my OPINION....and if there is one thing that I will not allow anyone to say to me it's that my opinion is wrong. because just like feelings... they can not be wrong.
   Next time you voice your opinion though.. remember.. EVERYONE has one, not just you, and I was taught in Kindergarten to treat others as I wish to be treated.. I know I sure don't want someone else telling me what to think, what to say.. That's why I live in America.

My key to Happiness

    A friend asked me a few months ago if I have "issues" with my husband. The question made me laugh. Nothing against the friend of course but it really got me thinking of how lucky I am to have such an amazing husband. Granted this is not something that I have just discovered.. I am a pretty smart girl and I figured that somewhere under all of his glorious early 20's stupidity (sorry hunny) there was an absolutely wonderful man waiting for me to find.
   I know this is every woman's dream.. whether they like to admit it or not...  to find the misunderstood, bad boy and turn him into this great guy. I did not turn him into anything however, so please don't think something that never happened... I merely expected more of him, and he happened to surpass my expectations.
  My marriage has not always been wonderful. Actually for a while ( I say while but keep in mind I am only 3 years into this life long journey) it was terrible, not that I would ever leave him, or ever doubted that we would figure it out , I actually PRAYED LIKE HELL we would figure it out. well Really I guess I should start at the beginning...

                              ( If my blog were a movie or a play this is where we would pause to say.. you might want to get comfy, this might take a while)

   I met my husband when I was 18. We worked together at TGI Fridays...  fancy and romantic huh? I was just out of a long term relationship with a really great guy, who I honestly ( out comes my teen naive self) thought I might marry someday. The break-up was my doing, but that did not make it any easier, and I actually kept the whole thing to myself for months. It was not until right before Christmas that my co-workers found out, during a conversation about what to buy our significant others, a conversation I remember clearly being a bit painful and something I wanted to avoid, but of course... the question turned to me. I did not go into details, just stated that we were no longer together, so there would be no gift buying and walked away.
   Before leaving that night Ian asked for my number. We had worked together for months but I really knew nothing about him, and don't remember much talking between the two of us before then, but after some smart-ass remarks.. (good part is he remembers none of this) I gave it to him. It took some convincing from a friend but I accepted a date.  We went on a few, I was an emotional wreck (he does not remember any of this either) and found that we actually enjoyed each others company.
  Maybe I was just trying to piss off my ex, or my parents who thought it was too soon to be getting serious with someone else, or I actually just liked him, but he was nothing.. and I mean nothing.. like the man I had imagined all my life that I would marry... But still.. there was something.
  We started off pretty rocky to be honest, we were inseparable, but he refused to admit he had feelings for me, I hated pretty much everything he did outside of wanting to spend time with me... again... charming huh?
   We broke up (whew..  my apologies to those of you who had to deal with me during that time) and I ended up with a cat and a dog... He still tries to convince me that since I went off and got animals without him he gets 100% say so in the next one...  have I mentioned how funny he is??
   Both before and after our breakup I let him know that he would marry me one day. I drove him crazy (perhaps the reason we broke up in the first place??  hmmm... hind sight is lovely isn't it?) by telling him several times a week. I also let him know I was perfect for him... Funny.. he remembers this part.
   It was a few months later, and unfortunately a few moves later as well, that he proposed to me. Here is the cute part...
        We were skydiving that day in Orange County. It was his second jump, first AFF (accelerated free fall) but my seventh. ( total blast for anyone who has not done it before.. well worth the money!) We were all called to the back side of the building to discuss our changed landing patterns, when I walked around the side there was a video camera the largest bouquet of flowers I have ever received and Ian, along with his family and my best friend standing there waiting for me... Oh and about 100 other people.
        He got down on his knee and told me how much he loved me, that he was about to take a very scary, very big jump out of a plane, but before he did that he wanted to take a larger jump in our relationship and marry me. The poor guy was so nervous that he put the ring on the wrong hand.
   We had a wonderful wedding... the planning of which was fun, but horrible for our relationship, much like a lot of other married couples. Before we could get married we had to attend a pre
    The first month or so was great, we thought that the fighting was just because of the wedding plans yadda yadda yadda. Really we were just too happy to have it over with to keep fighting for the time being.  It did not last that long, and then we found out we were pregnant.
   The first year of our marriage was a lot of crying and fighting, a lot of resentment. When JT came along we had another short break from fighting. Ian was working 70-80 hours a week to help us get out of my parents place. We had decided that I would be a stay at home mom, and I took that job very very seriously. I was nursing and honestly think I may have showered 2 times a week. It was scary, I felt like I was doing it alone and I wanted to do the best that I could, so I just kept my fears and anger to myself.
   Any married person will tell you that this is a mistake. Pent up fears and anxiety do not stay pent up for long. They come out in ways that are very hard to deal with.. for instance yelling at a baby who did nothing wrong (been there). Breaking down in tears in public for no "apparent" reason (been there).  Placing blame on things that can not possibly be the real problem (been there).. Honestly I will stop there because this list just goes on and on.
   About 8 months after JT was born we were able to move into a townhouse. Renting- not our original pre-pregnancy plan- but we had our things back,      space,        breathing room.. curtains... We had another brief period of bliss.. and family visits, unpacking etc to focus on.
   A month later WHAM I was pregnant again. This time was definitely not planned. We strapped our game faces on and pushed through, again a terrible idea if you want a marriage to work. (does anyone else see where this is going?)  We started to pick at the pieces a little at a time but were both too afraid to say what was on our minds. I would love to say that there is just one reason for that fear but that is not true. One reason is the lack of self esteem we both possessed, another is the fragile state of our marriage, the fear that once things were said they can never be put back in the bottle.
   I can not say how Ian was feeling, but I know that I was lost, confused and miserable. I did not want to be stuck in a marriage that I did not know how to be happy in, but I believe in one marriage, one and only one soul mate, whatever it is that you want to call it, and I picked mine.. really it picked me... so what was I to do?

Let me give you the answer here......  FIX IT

   There is no multiple choice here. There is only one answer, and boy was it a lot scarier and bigger than anything I had ever faced. Because what I was facing was not how do I fix him. Not how do we fix our marriage. Not how do I change him, how do I change our arguing... it was How do I fix me? Where do I start? What can I change? What can I do differently? And it was then that our marriage started to budge. When the harsh reality that I married this man, I love this man- just the way he is- and the thing I don't like is me hit me in the face I could do one of two things.
             1. run
             2. Take a long look in the mirror and just start somewhere, face the music and finally be happy.

   Now I would love to say that things are all rainbows and butterflies and sunshine.. but they aren't. Its work, but its rewarding and its amazing. I just celebrated my 3rd anniversary with Ian, it was the best year we have had together, and even though there is a lot of work to be done...  He is working on himself as well... Maybe next year we will meet in the middle, who knows. but its by far the best journey I will ever take.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Friend; defined

   Sunday night I went to the movies to see The Help with a really good friend. The kind of friend that even though we had not actually seen each other but maybe 2 times all summer was right there when I needed a night out. The kind of friend that is willing to let me ramble on about things that she does not care about, and do not directly affect her, and listen as if it were the most important thing in the world right then. The kind of friend that tells me her weaknesses, shares her insecurities and makes me laugh to the point of peeing myself because she knows that I understand completely whatever dumb thing she did.
  We get to the movies and in the theatre to discover that we are the only ones watching that movie. So we pull out our snacks ( bought from wal-mart not the theatre because there is no way I am spending that much money on so little chocolate or candy if it is not from another country and going to make my problems disappear upon consumption). We pile our cracker-jacks (BTW on sale at said evil empire) and Hershey's drops and the largest box of Junior Mints I could find, next to the 2 large sodas and extra large popcorn that we did buy there.. 
    yeah yeah..  you may bring up that we are both trying to lose weight, that that much sugar, caffeine and salt is a recipe for some serious skin problems and a few pounds that we will be complaining about next week..  To that I say this..  we both have gym memberships, more problems then a pound or two and I sell skin care products that will take away 15 years of aging.. I am not concerned with a pimple or 8.
   We talk through half of the movie, and then on the way to our cars we strike up another conversation that lands us standing in the parking lot for an additional almost 2 hours.  Pretty sure we both cried, {seriously we are women, moms and wives at that, and we talked for 2 hours you really expected there to be no tears? what planet do you live on???} we laughed a lot, and I came home in one of the best moods I have been in for weeks.
   All this got me thinking... the label "friend" is placed on so many people in our lives. Yet we have different kinds of friends.  The "friend" down the street that we say hello to but have never stepped in each others homes, the "friend" who we knew 5 years ago, but really don't talk to anymore unless we need something, the "friend" that we really don't even like but for some reason we still talk to and then.. we have the "friend" that we actually genuinely care about and love.

   The definition of a friend according to Webster's dictionary is this: 1. a: one attached to another by affection or esteem b: acquaintance 2 a: one that is not hostile b: one that is of the same nation, party, or group

   I thought about this all day. . . Why should I consider someone who is just an acquaintance a friend. Because I am a loving person, someone who puts myself out there and gives everything I have and things that I don't always have in order to help another, and I deserve to be surrounded by people who are the same way. I deserve to be surrounded by people who WANT to spend time with me, and have no interest in only doing so in order to not feel guilty about asking favors from me.
    So I would like to take the time on this blog to say something to that friend. You know who you are, and I know you are reading this.

 You are a kind, smart, loving and hilarious person. You have had your problems in the past, and they have done nothing except make you an even better friend and mother in my eyes. I am inspired by your love for your children and your love for life. I appreciate your encouragement, your honesty and your ear that you have so often lended to me. Please know that I am here.. no matter how late it is, how long it has been, or how long you need to talk. I love you and I thank you for being there to catch me when I think I am about to fall apart.  You is kind, You is smart and you is important.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Breakdown on aisle 3

   I made the mistake about a month ago of taking a tired almost 2 year old into Toys R' Us. To be honest with you the trip started off well..  That is how they get you, ya know. They behave until they have you where they want you.. the back of the store surrounded by other people so you can't loose it.
  He tried to convince me to leave his sister in the middle of an aisle, grabbed a few things (including the extra large extra bouncyball in the middle of the aisles and decided to throw it) and then we encountered the entire aisle of power wheels.  If you have ever witnessed a toddler in front of a power wheel you know what I am about to say. If you have not yet experienced this let me paint a picture..
   Try to picture a yound adult on their 21st birthday in a bar, but tell them they are not allowed to actually drink anything. or... a group of teenage girls in front of their favorite pop star.. close enough to touch, but with the HUGE body guards standing in their way.
   Not imagine that those obstacles are removed (obstacle in my scenario being the stroller, as he knows how to get out of it straps and all) and TA-DA. Now imagine trying to pull him away from the power wheels.... DISASTER!
   So there I was, trying to push a double stroller and convince a child who is just past his nap time to get out of the power wheels, and back into the stroller so we could go get him a toy. Yeah..  problem there for those of you who did not spot it...  I was negotiating with a toddler.
   This is like talking to a screaming brickwall, or talking to a deaf personwith your back turned. They might know that you are talking to them, but they have no IDEA what you are saying. and in this case, nor did he care!
  That is where I found myself fed up. I grabbed him, kicking a screaming...  and for those of you have not met my son..  he may be small, as in still wears the clothes he got for his 1st birthday, and I have seen children half his age at twice his size, but that boy has some muscle. He is also really great at contorting his body and making it impossible to hold on to. So as I attempt to push the double stroller 1 handed and hold him as close to me as possible
       1. so that he does not fall
       2. so that he does not kick anyone or anything.
and 3. so that I can get out of the store as quickly and efficiently as possible.
   My phone starts ringing. And yes I am one of those people who has really obnoxious songs for ringtones.. my main one at this time is Selena Gomez's Who Says.. the na- na- na- na- na- part starts it. LOUDLY. But for the love of life, it rings not only once, but 3 times on my way out of the store. I have a bunch of people staring at me, obviously none offering to help, and as I pass each one of them they say the same thing.

    Each one of them looked at their child and said " I remember those days. You used to pull that all the time" So WHY  on earth are you just STARING AT ME????
    I have learned that the best way to deal with this is to stand there and smile. Because every parent who is reading this knows their "perfect" child has done this at least once. . . and that is just for the ones in denial.

  I did return at a later point and pick up a power wheel for him....  but he stayed home... and we will NOT I repeat NOT be making that trip together again anytime soon.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ellie's first mess

   I was sitting on the couch yesterday.. bored out of my mind since the cable was out.. talking on the phone to my mom, avoiding all of my daily household responsibilities. Granted this is no different from about half of my time at home..  I am attempting to work on that but as I stated to Ian earlier... Cleaning is BORING!
 The kids are playing in the living room. Ellie jumping in her new super cute Jumperoo.. ( which I searched for for months because it had to match the high chair, bouncy seat, stroller, swing etc. that I already had in the same pattern.) and JT running around pretending to shoot her. This like I said is a normal average day in my house.. picture a pile of clothes on the couch, unfolded of course, dishes in the sink..  not that I dislike doing dishes.. my problem there is the putting away of the dishes.  If I could get rid of any one chore that is what it would be... but that is a whole other blog. Toys spread from front door to back and the vacuum sitting in the middle of the floor... again.. I think I just have an issue putting things away. I dont mind the dusting vacuuming wiping down part nearly as much, and me...  still in my workout clothes from hours before.
   I look over at Ellie (background noise obviously not the tv but instead JT screaming BOOM BOOM BOOM) and she has the biggest grin on her face. I start talking to her and she keeps smiling.

   Fast forward about 3 minutes .I look back over at Ellie and she is still smiling.

::Moving at thoughts speed now:: Wow she is one heck of a happy baby today. Guess her belly is not hurting anymore. Hopefully she stays happy because I am not in the mood to deal with a crank ass today. ::

   It is then that I realize WHY Ellie is so stinkin' happy.. and I do mean stinkin'.
   She had pooped. But we are not talking normal baby poop, we are talking the kind that runs. As in all the way down her leg, and in a huge nasty pile on my carpet, that she is now jumping in, still happy as can be.

   I jump off the phone with my mom, and honestly just stare for a few seconds.. Of course the next logical thing to do would have been to start cleaning it up, remove her... something.. but that is when I lost it....With JT staring at me like I am a moron.
  I could not stop laughing. Nor could I figure out exactly how to remove her from the jumperoo without making the situation worse. I finally was able to pull it together, figure I had to wash the seat anyways, pull her out lay her on a towel and remove the clothes.. not that easy of a task since she was trying to pull on them and take them from me.
   I then hosed her off with some anti-bacterial soap in the bathroom sink, and went to scrubbing the floors. The stain is still there today, at least it does not smell... and the cable guy did not ask about it.

 Guess it's time to steam clean again.. YIPEEE!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Days like this.

   Now don't get me wrong..  there are days when as a parent you look up at the sky and think... WHAT ON EARTH WAS I THINKING?!  They say God will never give you anything that you can not handle...  Some days it is hard to believe that. I don't care how wonderful of a parent you are, or that you have the patience of a goddess, you know darn well there have been a few days where you look at your child and think (or say under your breath) What planet are you from?!?! How am I THIS bad at parenting? or.. my personal favorite...  What the heck is wrong with you?!?! why are you still crying? It is not the end of the world!

  And then you have a day.. a vacation.. a breathe of fresh air. Your children are behaving. (where have my screaming kids gone?) Nap time was easy. Manners were used. the kids played well together. And at the end of the day you kick your feet up and think...  HUH...  maybe I am not so bad at this.
   That is how they rope you in ya know?? They are all nice and sweet, give kisses and hugs and their precious little smiles. They sing and dance. They share their toys with you and are nice to other people.. they even behave in the store...  Now to you non-parent readers... think for one second when the last time you went to a store and noticed the child that was NOT screaming. That just sat there and behaved. It's rare to remember those.. But I am sure everyone reading can remember the last time they went and heard the mother one aisle over who was yelling at her kids.
   You know the one who is saying something like this " I swear if you do not get in the cart and stop touching everything I am calling your father" or "that's it. You are not getting a toy" "you wait until we get in the car mister."
   But every once in a while and more often for some parents.. myself included because I may complain about the tough days but I am fully aware that I have wonderful children and am spoiled by them, there will be a day that reminds you why you were so excited about your little non moving, non squirming, non back talking baby to grow up and run around.
  There is nothing like the smile on a child's face to make your heart skip a beat.
  So for all of the moms (and dad's) reading this on a day where you are pretty sure you have created a bald spot by pulling your hair so much (or having it pulled so much) remember that just before you think you can not handle it anymore, there will be a glorious smile that crosses your child's face, a hand that stretches out with a toy to a friend or a sibling, a hug for no reason, or an I love you mommy that will make it all worth while.
  Raise your wine glass, your ice cream bowl, your fat free weight watchers crap snack, or whatever else you indulge in after the kids have FINALLY gone to bed tonight up to the sky, think of the best thing that happened with your children that day and say out loud... Here is to days like this.
  And if your spouse thinks your nuts, look them dead in the face and say... hey I talked to a 2 yr old all day, I can talk to the ceiling if I want to.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Time for a change

    Think back... Just for a moment... When you were a little kid there were times when you really wanted something. Like REALLLY wanted something, and you probably even expected to receive it. This can be something simple from a piece of candy when you were behaving at the store, a certain toy for your birthday, or even from Santa. And as we got older it switched to more important  things like highlights (was I the only one on this one) or that certain someone to like you back...or the pair of shoes that EVERYONE else had.
   Now remember the feeling that you got in the pit of your stomach when you didn't get it?
   Unfortunately that feeling still happens when you are an adult. Sucks huh? There will still be people who let you down, things you want that you just can't have, people you want and just can't have. There are going to be things you expect from others, whether they were promised to you...

    (She swore she wouldn't do that again.. or...  He promised next check we could go away for the weekend. or even...I really wanted to buy that car and then they sold it.)
or expected

                    I was next in line for that promotion, it should have gone to me because I have been here years longer... or...
                    I just assumed that you were going to give that back when you were done.
  Whatever the case may be, that feeling that creeps into us is the same feeling we had when we were a kid. The difference is that we feel now that we are older that the feeling of disappointment is irrational. We shouldn't get down about things like that.. it's just silly...
   The fact of the matter is that even though we are older we still have FEELINGS. We are HUMAN. We are vulnerable and proud. And a lot of us still live by the Golden Rule.
   Yes the same one from Kindergarten... everyone say it with me...Treat others the way you wish to be treated... or Do unto others as you wish to be done unto you. However you want to say it the principle is still the same. We treat our friends how we want our friends to treat us, we love our significant other the way we want to be loved, and sometimes they let us down.
   Does that make them terrible people? NO. Does that make us better than them??? NO. Does that mean that the relationship is not a mutual one? ... ? ... ?


This is where Kindergarten failed us. ( I apologize to those of you reading this who are teachers or have been in the past.. You are doing a great job, keep it up, thanks for all you do because you have more patience than I do )........... Remember the song
                        " Make new friends
                           But keep the old
                           One is Silver 
                           And the other Gold." 
  Not to say this is wrong, sometimes when you make new friends the old ones are still great friends. Other times though it makes you realize what a friend is supposed to be. And sometimes that old friend is no longer someone you want to keep around. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of friends who have done nothing wrong, we have just grown apart. I also have a good few who I realized are not people I want to be around anymore, not because my new friends are "better" but because my new friends give me something that I can not get from the old ones. And all of these have made me further appreciate the great friends I do have.
   One of my "new friends" said something to me about marriage that I believe to be true about friendship as well... She said something along the lines of "You're role as a wife is not about the things you do for your husband. Those things can be done by someone else. Someone else can clean the house, he can raise the kids... You're role is about what you do for him that if something were to happen to you, NOBODY else in the entire WORLD could give him. The behind the scenes love and support that only you were made to do."
   If a marriage is in essence the best friendship you have, then wouldn't the same be true for all of your friendships? My friendships are not about who I can get to do things for me, or who I can call when I need to vent. They are not about the favors that I do for them, nor about the favors they do for me. My relationship is different with each friend I have. I know who I can count on for what. I have a friend that if I ever needed money for an emergency that I could turn to. Not that I would want to ask, or even that she would have it to give, but she would do it anyways. I have another friend that I can talk to about things I can not talk to anyone else about, and honestly know that they will stay between us. I have a few friends that I can turn to when I need a good trip down memory lane. Another I can turn to when I need some help getting my head on straight, and another I can turn to when I need an excellent laugh. To all of these people I provide a different, but mutual service I guess you could say.
   In discovering this way of thinking I also had to admit that some of my friendships (and previous relationships) fell apart because I was not offering something they could not find elsewhere... OUCH.
   The thing about maturity and growing up is that you have to sometimes take the road less traveled by in order to be a better person. You just have to learn ( I say learn because as most of you know it is not easy, and it takes time to perfect, it sometimes comes with hurt feelings all around ) to say "this is not what's best for me, and I think we should go our separate ways" even when its not what we want to do.


   Because as someone once told me... Growth can not be achieved without stepping out of your comfort zone. We must do things we don't want to do, and give up things we want to do in order to become the person we were meant to be. If you want more than what you have something has to change.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

6th sense

   Saturday morning I woke up with this awful feeling in my stomach..  I know most people don't believe intuition or whatever you want to call it, but there is a reason that you often here the following statement.

"Momma KNOWS"

  It starts as an irrational fear. For instance I kept checking to make sure Ellie was breathing, moving the blankets away from her face etc. When I got out of the bed (she had just finished nursing) to get JT I brought him back in the room with me rather than taking him downstairs and going back up to get her. I kept reminding Ian she was in the bed.
   Of course everything was fine. Ian left for a call (one of the thousand he ran that week) and I got the kids ready to run some errands.. For some reason I put Ellie's sunglasses on.. thinking the sun might give her a headache or keep her up and she needed to sleep.. not something I normally do. We ran around town picking up a few things and when we got home I left her in her seat. when she started fussing I assumed she was hungry and took her out to feed her.
   Her whole body was burning up. I laid her on the floor, got a diaper and the thermometer. Some of you may think I am mean, but I take her temperature rectally.. I still take JT's that way too. Her reading was 103.1 so I gave her some Tylenol, called Ian and nursed her. I waited about half an hour and checked again.. pretty much no change. I think it had gone down to 102.7
   I pretty much started freaking. which of course solves nothing and just makes Ian mad. I called the pediatrician, hopped on the computer (what would we do without Google???) and arranged for my Brother-in-law to come watch JT.
   We ended up in the ER (my insurance does not cover any urgent cares in the area). After they held her down to take some blood they decided to test her urine. There is nothing worse than standing there watching someone try to cath your 6 month old baby. I am pretty sure it has been a long time since I wanted to punch someone that badly... well except for the dumb B***h that almost t-boned me with Ellie and JT in the car one day by running a stop sign at 45 mph and then gave me the finger like I had done something wrong.
   After all was said and done they sent me home with no answers and just told me to watch her, keep her cool and if it gets "worse" to come back in. They also left me with this tid bit... "its good that she has not started seizing. normally babies her age with a fever this long start to have seizures" Grrreat. Go see the pediatrician on Monday. Helpful.
   Her fever stayed between 101 and 102 for the remainder of the weekend. On Monday we made it to the doctor first thing in the morning and I finally got some answers.  She had a viral infection that had been going around. Not sure where she got it from, but happy that it did not spread to the rest of the family, not happy that now I need to sterilize everything in my house .... AGAIN!
   The best part is that this wonderful bug that decided to grace us with its presence also leaves with a nasty rash. So Ellie is no longer running a fever (after 5 days) but she has a wonderful hive looking rash covering every cm of her skin. It looks as if someone snuck in and speckled my baby pink. Not sure how long this will last..  but I really hope it goes away soon.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Parenting for the broke.

  Growing up my father always provided everything we needed, and most of what we wanted. He tried very hard to keep us happy, and now more than ever I appreciate it. As a parent I now know how hard it is to watch other children have things that you want for your children. It is even harder to watch your child want for something that you simply do not have the money to buy.
  Thankfully Ian and I are working on being able to move past that problem, but in the meantime there are things we go without. My children wear hand-me-downs. I did it, and many of my favorites were actually hand-me-downs, not to mention the kids grow too darn fast to constantly change out their wardrobes.. My children get things from Craigslist ( seriously craigslist is amazing!) and from Goodwill. I have had some amazing finds there! And my personal favorite..  The Weecycled Wardrobe...  Vicky and Penny are amazing for putting forth the effort to organize that!! someone should write them a thankyou card larger than my townhouse.. just sayin'
  I have been reading this book..The 7 Ancient Keys to Happiness  ..not every day unfortunately the way it is supposed to be read, but I get to it and do the excercises and it is definitely on my recommended reads list..  The last daily excercise was to make a list of everything you are grateful for that you have. It made me realize that even though I would love to have a million things for the children that often JT plays with some of the most random things..  
  This is a list of some of them off the top of my head...

  • Diaper boxes-pushes them, hides things in them.. climbs in them
  • Toilet paper roll holders (he presses them up against the wall and likes to watch them fly when he lets go)
  • my keys, shoes and broken cell phones (normal for todays toddlers I know)
  • empty soda bottles
  • magnets.. This child convinced his grandma to buy him a $3 magnet from the made in VA store so that he can stick it on the fridge and take it off a million times a day
  • his own carseat
  • his sisters car seat
  • drink pitchers
  • cheese grater.. have to hide it
  • store bags (he pretends he is leaving)
  • the broom
  • the dvd cases ( he is known to use them instead of blocks and I find piles of them all over the house)
I know there are many many more things that I have come across, and believe me he is not hurting for clothes or toys, but thinking about all of these things that he spends most of his time studying and learning and playing with has brought something further to my attention...

I am able to provide my child with a million things that other children do not have. The more creative I am, the larger his imagination is and will be. And just as in everything else.. the material possessions can not replace the laughs and memories that we make together by rolling my son up in a blanket and rolling him across the floor, playing "Horsie", or making puppets out of his socks and shoes.

Thanks Daddy for taking the time to show me that quality time can not be replaced by material possessions.. and for showing me the clearance racks.

Monday, June 27, 2011

This room is carpeted? that's good to know.

   So recently I have been trying to keep the house in order...  ha ha to all of you who know me this really is an impossible task for me. I am famous for leaving my clothes on the floor, dishes on the table, laundry on the couch. I would go on, but the object here is not to embarrass myself by my lack of cleaning habits.
   So anyways, back to cleaning house... I spent one whole day cleaning my downstairs, yes I live in a townhouse and the bottom half of my house is a kitchen, half bath, toy area and living area.. it took me about 6.5 to 7 hours..( back to mycleaning habits) I scrubbed the floor by hand.. not really so much that I wanted to do it by hand but we don't actually own a mop... GASP.. and I was out of swiffer refills.. not that those would have helped me much either, come to find out the batteries were dead too. I wiped the walls, sanatized the toys, tried to remove some stains from the carpet. Honestly not sure why I tried that one, the carpets here are beyond hope between my coffee habit and my sons habit of dumping it in the floor. I washed the windows, did every dish I could find (should have checked my nightstand.. hind sight sure is a pain inthe rear huh?) etc. It even for once smelled nice in my house. Not that it lasted too long, I mean come on I have 2 kids, a dog, a cat, I babysit and have you MET my husband?
   After all of this I got really busy with various things and did not get around to the upper half. The kids rooms are not bad but my room is a disaster.. I have not actually set foot in my closet in a few weeks. It has been that long since the clothes have been put away that even if I could GET to the closet, there would be no point cause there is nothing there. There is a foot wide path from the door of the room into the bathroom which is on my side of the bed.
  All of this IS actually relevant believe it or not.
  So the other morning JT is in the room with us while Ian is getting ready to leave and I am nursing. He normally comes in and gets into everything like normal toddlers do.  This occassion however was different. After walking (or should I say mountain climbing) around my room  for a few minutes he looks at Ian and starts to sing the clean up song. He then bends down and starts to pick up the clothes off the floor and put them on the bed.
  While absolutely hilarious, this worries me. Have I... the perpetually messy parent.. taught my son to be a neat freak? Is he going to have some issues because I can not keep the house clean??  Or better yet. Who is he going to go tell that I am a complete mess. LOL.
   I have this fear of becoming a hoarder...Terrible and funny yes, but super realistic. I not only keep things because I like things, and am crafty.. and to anyone out there who is crafty... you know that there are things in your craft bin that people thing are completely strange even though it makes super good sense to you. But also because I have a tendency to leave things where they are and walk past them..
  I am working on translating the gift to pretend things are not there into something productive.. but seriously what good can you make from that?? any good ideas?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Gotta Go, Gotta Go, Gotta Go Right NOW!

   ok..  Lets talk post delivery bladder issues.. Yup..  not a fun conversation and actually one of the things that mothers like to talk about least apparently..  They will gladly tell you how much giving birth hurts, how long it has been since they have seen their feet, how ever since having a child the smell of onions makes them vommit..  even about how little they sleep or the consistency of their 1 yr olds poo.... 
   What they will not say is this...  When you have a baby.. that child is not the only one who needs a diaper sometimes. Cold?  Panty liners are a must. Allergies?  You should def re-consider those khakiis. I cannot even tell you how many days out of my Mommy Lifetime that I have peed myself. Gross? YES.. But welcome to reality.
  In a perfect world women give birth go back to their regular pant size and shoe size...  (believe it or not your FEET of all things change from pregnancy) Their hair goes back to the way it has always been, and those pesky stretchmarks dissapear on their own. Reality is... you lie to yourself and say that it is ok because you would not have it any other way..  Or my personal favorite.. "I needed new boots anyways"

   The kids and I are finally getting over a lovely bug that was passed to us so kindly by another child. We were out and about the other day, I wearing my ONLY pair of shorts, Ellie and JT wearing whatever seemed appropriate through my watery eyes at the moment. I have this left over cough that just does not want to go away, and is not helped by any of the cough medications that lactation has approved. (Apparently the price for feeding your child the healthiest thing for them is that when you are unhealthy you must SUFFER.. ironic huh?)
   Anyways.. There I am in the middle of the store when the coughing hits and I feel it coming on strong..  I am about to choke to death...imagine the beautiful image of me pushing a double stroller red faced and bent over in the store hacking up a lung...  When all of a sudden bladder control decides to fail me. I practically had pee running down my leg. Thank JESUS that nobody was around save for the wonderful security cameras which I am sure are monitored by either someone I know or a really hott guy; just my luck. So I reach in the kids diaper bag.. trying to play it off.. and grab a baby wipe and wipe it off..  run to the bathroom clean up and there I am.. standing under the hand dryer with the crotch of my pants when this old woman walks in...
  She stares at me like I am a moron until you see the lightbulb go off above her head... She smiles politely and looks me dead in the face and hands me a coupon for Depends..,.
  Well I have been collecting coupons but SERIOUSLY!?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

That's what friends are for...

   So, without diving into specifics, I found myself between a rock and a hard place today.
   A friend of mine needed some good advice, advice that I wanted very much to give, but found that I couldn't without causing some major issues not only in my marriage but in a friendship of my husbands. What then was I supposed to do. I was raised to be honest with my friends, to always be a good friend, even when the other person can not do the same.
   But, how could I be a good friend to someone when it meant risking being a good friend to my best friend, my husband? I found myself doing something that I very much did not want to do, for the sake of my relationship with my husband.
   I told him everything. I told him what happened (he already knew) and I told him what I said, so that if it came up he would know everything and could either chose to defend me, or stand by his friend.
   Now how do I remain a good, trustworthy friend if I had to betray her trust and discuss it with the one person she asked me not to talk to? I did the best that I could think to do, and told her what I had done, and why.  Thankfully she is a good friend as well, and she understood my predicament. She was ok with it, and now it can be out in the open, and we can all try to work through the situation together, as unfortunately, we are all now involved.
  I wish that friendships could always be as easy as it was in elementary school. That you could be loyal to everyone without having to hurt anyones feelings. However, things become a bit more complicated through the years, and a best friend, a friend and a spouse all have to compete..

   I send my regards to everyone involved, praying that we can work this out as adults with as little sacraficed as possible...But I leave with this note,

                       Always be the kind of friend that you want someone to be to you. Whether that be to a new friend, an old friend, a best friend, a bad friend, or the person you choose to spend your life with. If you can lay your head down at night knowing that you were the best friend you could be, friends who do the same will fall into your life. After all.... what goes around comes around.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bedroom Talk

                        MAY NOT BE APPROPRIATE FOR FAMILY

   When I first got married I learned something about my husband, he believed that sex was something special between 2 people that love each other. Sex should not be expected or discussed, it should be sporadic and an expression of your love.
   No offense to my husband, or anyone else who believes that, but what I heard was BLAH BLAH BLAH.
   Seriously? Why had this not come up before? I have always thoroughly enjoyed sex. I even got teased by my guy friends for it. They always told me that I had a male brain... So how in HELL did I end up with the one guy who did not see things the same way as me?
   There were fights about it, long conversations about it and an agreement to disagree. We would get so irritated with each other that we would sometimes go a month or more without being intimate, his way or mine. And then I got pregnant. All of a sudden my husband had just as much interest as I did. Then I had our son and I did not really have the energy, Honestly how can you find the energy for any decent roll in the hay when you are covered in breastmilk, haven't had a shower that has lasted more than 5 minutes in weeks, and are so scatter-brained that not even a pot of coffee puts any clarity on your day?
   Add to all this the immense feeling of being unattractive because you have stretch marks in places you didn't know even grew while you were pregnant and every time the baby cries or your husband touches you, you spring a leak.
   Our sex life finally got to a normal pace after about 5 months.. I say normal as in like once every 2 weeks if I was lucky... sad huh? A few months after that 2 lines showed up on a dollar store test and things went for a new ride.. I quickly realized (although if you ask anyone who talked to me those first 20 weeks they will tell you I was in denial--- totally true) that I was having a girl, because for the first time in my life I could not be happier to have a man who did not need to have sex every day... Or at least I thought.
  How was I supposed to know that the extreme amounts of estrogen I was secreting in the form of vomit and tears would somehow turn my husband on? After lots and lots of turning him down I had Ellie. After 6 weeks and the implantation of a wonderful device called an IUD, our sex life took on a life of it's own. Now sex is a several times a week thing. Our sex life is exciting, it's great. (Sorry for the TMI) And we are finally on the same page.
   I hope it stays that way. I aspire to be one of those married couples whose children say "EW, you are too OLD to do that" because it may scar them slightly and embarass them lots, but you know... He is my husband, I committed to him for the rest of my life, to enjoy sex with him and him only for the rest of my life, so I fully intend on doing just that. Enjoying sex with my husband, for the rest of my life.
   I guess the whole point here is this... Several newly married friends have asked me what my sex life is like, and if it changed after we got married. The answer is yes, several times.. so don't give up on a crappy one, it might get better, and don't take that great sex life you have going on for granted.

     Happy rolling in the sack to all of you.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

That happens?

   Forget "Terrible 2's" Forget guns and violence. Heck, forget potty training...I have decided after talking to a few other moms that there is something that needs to be said about little boys to anyone who either...
    A.) Does not have children  or
    B.)  Is pregnant with a boy

 Short and sweet here goes.

   Sometime you have to change diapers where your cute cuddly little boy has a hard on. We are not talking getting ready to pee so change with haste, we are talking.. he has been playing with his junk and like a full grown man.. he has an erection.
   Now I know that this is a natural thing. I understand that my little boy will one day grow up to be a man, but in all honestly I like to pretend that every guy in my family is like a Ken doll...  When they remove their pants there is nothing there... (I take this mentality as a protection mechanism, seriously who wants to think about their dad or brothers or uncles having a penis? EW.) I fully intend on forgetting my son has a penis when he is old enough to bathe himself. I will tell myself that his children were created by miracle, or some other ridiculous idea until I believe it whole heartedly in order to get out of having to think about it. I have even told Ian that supplying the first condoms are his job, and I am not to be consulted.
     I have been told about potty training and aiming for cherrios, but seriously, I do not have a penis, so why am I the one teaching him how to aim.. (although, it might be a good idea, have you seen the mens restroom recently??) I was told that if lint gets in the pee hole he might shoot at the walls. I am even prepared for explaining what it is, what it is called and how it works, and where babies come from.
    BUT...Nobody bothered to tell me that my little boy would fight with me when putting his diaper on so that I would leave it off and he could grab his "peepis" Nobody bothered telling me that erections existed before potty training. Nobody told me that he would think grabbing his stuff was funny and walk around with his hand down his pants giggling like a school girl. I mean honestly it never even occured to me. Why would it?
   I have always believed in being honest with my children.. taken a "if they have the balls to ask I have the balls to answer" approach. But really?? what do you tell a 20 month old about self pleasure?? He doesn't understand why he has to go to bed at night when he doesn't want to, I am pretty sure he is not going to understand that touching himself is supposed to be private.
   I have never even thought about how I would respond in this situation, more or less ASKED anyone what to do.
   So for anyone reading this who might one day have a boy, do yourself a favor... ask someone what there is to know. It might be more worth your while than you realize, not to mention sharing sometimes results in an extremely good laugh.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jiggle Jiggle Shake Shake

After delivering Ellie I decided I was going to try to get back in shape. This is a much harder task than it should be considering the following...
    - I am one of those people who believe that there is no reason to run unless you are being chased by someone or something.
    - I have 2 children, my life revolves around them, so finding time to work out is a lot easier said than done.
    - I am a habit eater. For those of you who don't know what that is, it means that I eat not only out of boredom, but simply because it is there, and I snack simply because it is a certain time of day that I am used to eating.
    - My weakness is chocolate, and carbs are like a demon with a damn convincing reason why I should come over to the dark side..
 Now I have been making an effort to get to the gym, I have been attemting to use self control, and trying to eat healthier things when I just want to snack for the hell of it...I am doing all of this for me, not for anyone else. Honestly other than my husband I could not really care less what someone elses opinion of my weight is. But seriously??  I am a size 10, granted MUCH larger than I was in highschool, but I am not a big person. I do not think that I am disgusting when I look in the mirror or anything of the sort. I just know that I could afford to lose a little weight and be more toned. And doing all of this would make me feel more comfortable.
 So why is it that the doctor is telling me I am "slightly obese"? Have they lost their friggin' minds?
No offense to those of you out there who are stick thin, all the more power to you! but... Why should I have to feel uncomfortable wearing a close fitted shirt because I actually have breasts and some meat on my bones? Or hear comments from people in the store walking by about my tight jeans.. I had a big butt when I was a size 1, did you really think it was going to go away when I put on some weight? There are millions of people out there who DO have weight problems and they have no shame in the world about wearing spandex and bikinis. I have not only 1, but several good reasons for my extra weight.. (their names are JT, Ellie, Ian and an effed up thyroid) and yet I am the one who is ashamed?
 I have a theory that if everyone walked around completely naked that less people would get picked on for image. This way models would not be airbrushed to fool us all into thinking their bodies are perfect.. cause hunny they have stretchmarks from their babies too,OH and hello cellulite, glad to know you visit someone else sometimes too! So if models, the same people we are looking at to depict what we "should" look like have to be airbrushed, what do you think the lady standing in front of you in line looks like? It is a shame that we have to be so self concious about our bodies around the people we love simply for fear of someone realizing we are not perfect... 
 The people who are judging us have their own imperfections.. they scrutinize themselves in the mirror too. I love my children with all my heart, they are the best things I have ever done, and I am proud of them.. So while I work my inner thighs and flabby arms away at the gym until summer...  I know that I am not blessed with a perfect body, I am blessed with imperfections as a reminder of my best work... and this summer.. I plan to wear my bright purple stretchmarks with pride. If you don't like it, look the other direction.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Do I smell poop or did I forget deodorant again?

  Ponytail holder, hair tie, hair band... I don't care what you call it, I call it an everyday essential. Seriously, how many times have I thrown my hair up in a ponytail, messy or neat, and walked out of the door since becoming a mom? I think it would be easier to count the times my overpriced blowdryer and hair straightener have been used since the day I found out I was pregnant with JT.
  I swore as a teen looking at young moms that I was not going to do that. That I would never go out in sweats and a baggy stained t-shirt without make-up on. I was going to be one of those pretty glowing pregnant women in magazines. I was going to eat right, wear cute maternity clothes, continue wearing my heels, show off that belly.  PFFT. That went out the window when morning sickness rolled around for the first time. Nobody told me that the only thing I could keep down would be lollipops and dry toast. Or that the only time I would sleep would be with the help of some benedryl or tylenol PM. I'm sorry but when you have been awake for weeks on end with small naps between toilet huggings and feet propping, a stained t-shirt is the equivelent of a little black dress. Besides, at that point, no amount of makeup and shiny material will draw away from the heavy bags under your eyes from crying over everything you come across anyways,(seriously I cried everytime I watched The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. WHO DOES THAT?) so why waste the time? I was also going to be one of those moms whose children never went out in anything but the best clothing and always matched (a task I might add is much easier to do when you can keep your eyes open long enough to pay attention to the color shirt you just put on your child.. and of course it's backwards... effing GREAT) with brushed hair and clean faces.
  Since those days I have learned that occassionally you grab the only thing that has not been spit up on, used as a snot rag, spilled on etc. for a quick run to the store. (Hell it's Walmart anyways, maybe I will make it into one of those trashy e-mails that get sent around the world compiled of the ridiculous things people get caught wearing.) Now these are not neccesarily a requirement for the clothing you are putting on yourself, because when on earth was the last time that mountain growing in the bedroom made it into the washer anyways? If you leave your hair down it will get pulled on, used as a toy... occassionally a chew toy (gotta love teething babies) mysteriously wet, or so far my favorite...  you will find some unidentifiable food like substance in the middle of a knot worthy of just saying to hell with it and growing dreads. Makeup would be nice yes, but why bother spending the time when you are going to have to wash your face 10 minutes later because your wonderfully cute wobbling toddler decided to wipe some sort of stickyness on it after tricking you into getting that close by pretending to want a kiss. The kiss probably would have ruined it anyways now that you look closer because there are somehow dried boogers and snot globs stuck in his hair. Not that it matters because the baby just added a new accessory to your only clean shirt...  Is that pee or did she spit up? (eh.. it'll dry before I get there.)
  So I apologize on behalf of all moms to those of you without children for our appearance sometimes... the way I see it is this...  My little ones sees me as their hero no matter what I am wearing, how my hair is styled or what I smell like. (Now if only my husband went by these standards.) So if you happen to see me out at the store frantically searching for something in the wrong aisle while yelling at a toddler to get back here and carrying a carseat that is the size of a small yacht, do me a favor. Grit your teeth, breathe through your mouth, tell me I look great, and pretend it never happened, because believe me I have looked and smelled worse, and one day this might be you. And if for whatever reason you feel compelled to tell me the truth, follow it up with how cute my kids are and I will not even remember you said anything by the time you walk away.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

All Grown Up

   I sit here today trying to write my first ever blog. I have been wanting to do something like this for a while and honestly am just not technologically savy enough to figure it out until now. I plan on being honest, not only about my past, but about everyday life. My grammar may not always be perfect, my language on days may not be proper, and frankly I may be touching on some taboo topics, such is life.
  Before I dive in let me explain a little about myself and where all this is coming from.
  I am 24, I am married and I have 2 children. My son James (JT) is 19 months. My daughter Ellie is 2 months. I have a dog (more along the lines of a pain in the butt rat) named Cookie and an even larger pain in the rear cat named Peaches. I am a stay at home mom. The last time I had a job I was 22 and 7 months pregnant with my son. My husband, Ian is great. He works hard so that I can stay home with the kids, and in addition to his everyday job we have a side business.
   I feel like I woke up one day and adulthood had smacked me in the face... HARD. I remember my dad telling me a lot that I should stop trying to grow up so fast. Apparently I was totally boy crazy and although I hardly got in trouble I wanted more responsibility and privileges than I needed at my age. Sometime during the normal fights between a teenage girl and her parents I actually grew up. All of a sudden I am a mom, I have pets, bills, cars and a house to care for.
  I remember listening to the stories about having children, I clearly remember all the horrible details of sex ed (mainly the gross stuff that they tell teenagers to convince them abstenence is the way to go) I remember watching the videos of child birth, I remember the talks about bills and responsibilities and my older cousins telling me that growing up is not all it's cracked up to be. Somehow through all of this I still maintained my want for the traditional family, which I did NOT have growing up.) I also still wanted lots and lots of babies (preferably 3 hell raising boys who would tear up my furniture and make me rip my hair out---- Sorry Ellie)
  Though I clearly remember all of that stuff, I am pretty sure there are lots of things that I was NOT told. This blog is sort of a way to explore those subjects and for those of you who don't have children, let you know that the parents who glorify the experience... well they are full of shit. Here is my version of reality. I hope you enjoy it.