Friday, August 3, 2012

JT's "Happy Day"

  I have always wanted to be "that mom". You know exactly who I am talking about without explanation if you are already a parent. If you are not yet a parent- and plan to be one day- then you will soon meet that person.
   "That Mom" always has her stuff together. She has the best kids parties, and spends time doing both creative and educational things with her kids. She has a clean house, and time for baking and cooking dinner and easy grocery store trips. . Nobody knows her secret. . although I have to admit I sometimes hope it's drugs because that would throw a serious kink in her "perfectness". . Drugs are bad though and nobody should do them, so that is in my fantasy world where people don't actually die from them. So if you are planning on doing drugs remember that. . PEOPLE DIE FROM THEM, and since you don't wanna die... use basic deduction and don't do drugs. Back to my rant.
   I . . am NOT her. . . I want to be, and maybe one day I will get there. For now I am the mom who runs behind with everything. I am the mom who has the plans for awesome parties and somehow manages to procrastinate long enough that at midnight the night before she is steam cleaning her carpets. . .  every     single    time. I am also the mom who enlists the help of friends and family first thing in the morning the day of the party because there are still at least 50 things on my to-do list. The mom who makes a LOT of to-do lists.. and still manages to complete a million things--- that are not actually on that list. . and if I am having a good day I can cross one or two things off of it and agree to be happy with that accomplishment.
   This time it is JT's 3rd Birthday Party. WOO HOO.. We are having a superhero party at my house tomorrow, with all of our family and friends. A lot more people than I honestly thought were going to RSVP: did. And thus I am praying to GOD, the RAIN GOD's any and all God's that will listen that the weather cooperates tomorrow. (random s/n- I am Christian.. however I agree with the following statement. If you are right and there are lots of God's and I have only been praying to one of them- I still go to heaven. If I am right and there is only 1, I still go to heaven. Honestly win-win for me here) So first thing in the morning my Mother in Law is coming to help me clean. I am making Ian get up after a ridiculously long week and do some yard work and I get to finish cleaning and decorating my house, followed by some errands for last minute items. Like napkins- you can not have enough napkins when 30 kids are scheduled to be at your house at once.
   Well the whole point of this blog was to tell you that JT has decided that he does not care to use the word "birthday". He likes to call it his "Happy Day" and the poor thing knows that it is coming up. I don't think he really understands what a Birthday is yet, but we have had a lot of talk about it. Every time he has seen a large amount of food in the last few weeks he tells me it is his Happy Day, like after a funeral earlier this week, and at the grocery store.
   I am extremely excited that in the morning I get to tell him that it is FINALLY, AT LAST his Happy Party. And he is going to have one seriously kick-butt cake. He is also going to have a whole entourage of cape-clad Super-Friends, and we are taking pictures of each one of them to transform into comic strips. And as promised there will be cookies. . that I have not started yet despite the 2 a.m. time stamp on my laptop. So, now that the couch and carpets are finally almost dry from steam cleaning, I can go tear apart my clean kitchen to make 3 different kinds of cookies. . .  but my kids are going to look awesome in their superhero outfits complete with glasses for him and tutu for Ellie.
   And if I don't pass out and burn my cookies I might get around to the Photo Shoot corner I still have to create. .

Ellie's Pancakes and Pajamas party is going to be so much easier. I have a whole 5 months to plan that one. . . HAHAHAHA .. who am I lying to? . I will take care of that in January.

and in case you are curious about the cake....

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