Friday, August 16, 2013

thoughts from my day

 I would not go to say that I am tired, or frustrated. It has been a fairly great day and I feel great. I have been going to the gym regularly and am happy with myself for remembering to take my thyroid medicine the last week straight. ( sadly I would not doubt it if that were my all time record of days in a row, and I have been taking it for going on 9 years)
   My day has been a bit odd though. For instance, I have been logging my food intake. I have a goal of 55% carbs, 15%+ protein and 30% fat. I have been struggling to find a balance in there and yesterday I had it nailed. Then, today I was out and about and STARVING. I stopped at Tropical Smoothie and got a salad and smoothie. The salad description said nothing about Asian noodles. Carbs BLOWN. So I call my husband in search of something I can eat that is low in carb and protein and high in fat. Right?? Who else is dieting and looking for pure fat? What do I do? My vote was chow down on a stick of butter.. Ian felt that might be a little overboard, and reminded me that since it is dairy based there are carbs. Boo.
   I finally found my snack solution. Peanuts. There are carbs, but they are super high in fat and lowered my balance. The bonus is I don't have to use the fat free dressing tonight in my salad. BooYa.
   The kids were driving me nuts ( ha ha get it? Get it? nuts.. admit it I am funny).. it seemed that every time today that I had something to do they needed to scream at that moment. I assigned them a peanut snack as well.. Have at it, break those shells, crush those peanuts, make a mess... Because you get to clean it up =D =D ( I type this while they are screaming Ellies name at the top of their lungs and hiding underneath the table where they should be cleaning up all of the peanut mess they made.)  I did hear the following statement while they were chowing down though... " Ellie , you have to smash it real hard or you wont get the nuts. " Not sure what to say there. My question for you though is this... what purpose does the skin around the peanut serve? I feel like its there solely to get stuck in my throat and make me gag. But I am sure God has another answer. He should inform me so I don't despise it so much. .
   I  took a step out of my normal my way or not at all attitude about the children's stuffed animals and agreed today to abandon my search for a stuffed elephant for Porter. While it breaks my heart,and delights Ian, I have not found one that is fitting of the title of Porters infant best friend. I decided that in light of his extreme love for Shark Week we will be on the hunt for a stuffed shark next week at the beach. I think he will like it. He even stared at the onesie I bought him today that had a shark on it.  My only stipulation is that I and I alone get to name it, and its going to be epic.
   Lord, please don't let this child be fascinated with real sharks.. this mama is not even sure her toes will make it in the water next weekend after sitting through a week of  shark television.
   Another thing that threw me off today was Porter sleeping through the night again. Night number 3 and while I would love to not jinx myself this is the same pattern JT had at 3 months that turned into sleeping through the night every night. I do think there is a growth spurt going on though and for the time being I will claim that so that I am not disappointed when it stops.
   In other news, We watched Cinderella yesterday and when the part comes on that the step sisters rip the pieces of her dress off after the mice made it for her, I am sure taking all her hopes and dream with them, JT looks at me and says " Why did they do that? They need a spankin. You should go spank them REAL HARD"

  That about wraps it up folks. I am sure more entertaining things will happen today, watch FB. We might play a guess who said this game later. But if you will excuse me, the kids got sent to bed for throwing peanuts at each other and hitting sleeping Porter in the eye.. Now I have to go run the vacuum before my house permanently smells of Peanuts and salt. The upside is it will be a lovely change from the wet Reha smell I battle.

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