Monday, June 27, 2011

This room is carpeted? that's good to know.

   So recently I have been trying to keep the house in order...  ha ha to all of you who know me this really is an impossible task for me. I am famous for leaving my clothes on the floor, dishes on the table, laundry on the couch. I would go on, but the object here is not to embarrass myself by my lack of cleaning habits.
   So anyways, back to cleaning house... I spent one whole day cleaning my downstairs, yes I live in a townhouse and the bottom half of my house is a kitchen, half bath, toy area and living area.. it took me about 6.5 to 7 hours..( back to mycleaning habits) I scrubbed the floor by hand.. not really so much that I wanted to do it by hand but we don't actually own a mop... GASP.. and I was out of swiffer refills.. not that those would have helped me much either, come to find out the batteries were dead too. I wiped the walls, sanatized the toys, tried to remove some stains from the carpet. Honestly not sure why I tried that one, the carpets here are beyond hope between my coffee habit and my sons habit of dumping it in the floor. I washed the windows, did every dish I could find (should have checked my nightstand.. hind sight sure is a pain inthe rear huh?) etc. It even for once smelled nice in my house. Not that it lasted too long, I mean come on I have 2 kids, a dog, a cat, I babysit and have you MET my husband?
   After all of this I got really busy with various things and did not get around to the upper half. The kids rooms are not bad but my room is a disaster.. I have not actually set foot in my closet in a few weeks. It has been that long since the clothes have been put away that even if I could GET to the closet, there would be no point cause there is nothing there. There is a foot wide path from the door of the room into the bathroom which is on my side of the bed.
  All of this IS actually relevant believe it or not.
  So the other morning JT is in the room with us while Ian is getting ready to leave and I am nursing. He normally comes in and gets into everything like normal toddlers do.  This occassion however was different. After walking (or should I say mountain climbing) around my room  for a few minutes he looks at Ian and starts to sing the clean up song. He then bends down and starts to pick up the clothes off the floor and put them on the bed.
  While absolutely hilarious, this worries me. Have I... the perpetually messy parent.. taught my son to be a neat freak? Is he going to have some issues because I can not keep the house clean??  Or better yet. Who is he going to go tell that I am a complete mess. LOL.
   I have this fear of becoming a hoarder...Terrible and funny yes, but super realistic. I not only keep things because I like things, and am crafty.. and to anyone out there who is crafty... you know that there are things in your craft bin that people thing are completely strange even though it makes super good sense to you. But also because I have a tendency to leave things where they are and walk past them..
  I am working on translating the gift to pretend things are not there into something productive.. but seriously what good can you make from that?? any good ideas?

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