Wednesday, March 27, 2013

a little observation

   WOW. I don't even know where to start here. When did sharing your opinion become such a crime? Where is all this hate even coming from? Over the last few days I have silently followed many posts on the matter of Gay Rights and Gun Control. I have kept my opinion out of it, while I do have one I am not really in the mood to defend myself so publicly. I would be happy to have a one on one conversation with anyone about it, but as I have witnessed, making a social media declaration has lead to a lot of harsh words and immaturity.
   Firstly, I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and that it does not have to be the same as mine. I think that everyone sees things differently, and that is what makes us individuals. That is why we must learn tolerance and love. Does your best friend, your father, your spouse etc. think the exact same thing as you on every subject? NO silly, you would be clones, not real people. I would not like it if someone told me that my opinion is wrong because its an opinion, just as you would be equally offended if the same were said to you. Obviously from some of the strong reactions I have witnessed.
   Secondly, have you ever heard the saying "If you can't say anything nice, than don't say anything at all?" Don't get me wrong, I think you should be able to voice your opinion the same as anyone else, but there is a line.. and a not so thin one either, between voicing your opinion and looking like an idiot. Don't attack someone else for seeing things differently. Don't resort to name calling and childish behavior and arguments, especially when it is right there for hundred of people to observe. This does not convince anyone to agree with you, it just makes you look like you are 12. Be an adult. You are one in age ( at least most of you) be one in action.
   Thirdly, Social Media is meant to share your daily ins and outs, pictures, things you support etc. If you don't even like someone in real life WHY ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH THEM ON FACEBOOK? It's simple. Either don't accept their friendship (or request them as a friend)  and if you have already done so sadistically, go to their page and unclick the box that says "Friends". It's done and you don't have to read about their lives or share yours with them. This will not however prevent them from seeing your comments on mutual friends pages.. sorry for the elementary explanation of this, but apparently it was over the heads of a few people today.
   I am a lover of all people, and it takes a lot for me to dislike someone. I appreciate everyone's input and I respect the rights of others to say and do as they please, just as I expect them to respect that it is my right to do so. If you feel someone is wrong, by all means speak your mind..I am not asking that you agree with everyone, but remember that doing so does not mean that you have to turn to terrible language, insults and brainless accusations,you don't have to agree to be civil and respectful, . I would really like to think that none of my friends --- in everyday life or on Facebook--- are child molesters, rapists or into beastiality.. YET... according to Facebook today I know at least 8 of them. WHAT?!?!?
   Come on people.. grow a brain, and I am not referring to anything off of the movie Waiting... I know where some of your minds are... I have seen your posts too.

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