Friday, March 8, 2013

The Wonderful World of Google

   Apparently there IS a downside to Google. Obviously Google is amazing, I mean do you remember how we found things out before Google??  The LIBRARY... (gasp!) Now I know there are a few people reading this who are younger than me, so let me clarify... That is a place you go to read books, yup, they make those in paper form. And Google was not always around, we used to have to look things up in Encyclopedias. OH the HORROR!  I mean real social interaction, face to face, and we used to have to HAND WRITE those book reports. Can you imagine?
   Now I can look up whatever I want to on my cell phone, while in the bathroom, in line at the grocery store or sitting on my couch. And Google knows everything. Like when your little brother does something silly, or you make a gingerbread house in German class in high school. Today I found out that Google also knows things like when someone who has the same name as you gets arrested for being a Meth dealer. SWEET.
   Obviously it's not fair to look up yourself using your married name, you have to go maiden or go home. So, a 44 yr. old woman named Stacey Lynn Linkenhoker was arrested in 2009 in GA. She and her boyfriend apparently lived at a storage facility (I assume they ran the place, as most facilities of this nature do have live on site attendants) and were dealing drugs on the premises. It was part of a huge undercover sting and there were a bunch of other people dealing for them. She appears to have several other charges including Possession of Marijuana, Failure to comply with court drug orders, failure to appear and a few others. She was also on the run for a little while. She seems like a real winner.
   Her mugshots are great too. You should look it up, it's rather interesting and provides some entertainment when you are having a rough day.
   On the upside, I am not in my 40's and I don't live in GA so we can not get confused for one another. Nor have I ever done Meth. . A huge upside in my opinion.
    I do love Google, and do not fault it for providing true and accurate (as well as occasionally skewed ) information. I feel that you have to take Google results with a grain of salt and decide for yourself if the link you click is a trustworthy one. But if you ever get bored you can look up all sorts of amazing things. . like who you were in your past life, and how peanut butter is made. Google away my friends.

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