Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ignorance is bliss

   Today was a crap day. Not the whole day, my morning was fabulous, but the afternoon was a mix of screams, tears, messes and broken things. I am fine, I will deal. But I spend my evening just hanging out watching tv, flipping through the channels and binge emotional eating.
   I came across the following TV show title, and it really got me thinking.
                " Giant Squid; The Monster is Real"
  Here is what it got me thinking... Yeah... NOPE.
   As a kid I was not afraid of the ocean, a horrible swimmer but I could touch and I was never alone. I didn't think about the fact that there were sharks in that water, bugs and fish and germs and scary creepy looking things. The creek was a fun place to play, until I realized there were frogs and crawdads and mosquito eggs in it. Roller coasters were fun, I loved the feeling of the track shaking and being tossed around in the seat, but then I got old enough to actually hear what they were saying on the news.
   Planes fall from the sky, people get shot, cars crash, people get sick. Things happen, Life happens.
   But here is the thing. You can't be scared of everything.. except spiders, they are fair game. Honestly I take that back, anything with more limbs than you, I feel like that is justified.  But if you spend your life locked up in an experience bubble, you can't live. There is a difference between spending time and living in it.
   What is the point in spending time on this earth if you can't set your fears aside and love, live happily, live fearlessly. I am not saying be dumb. remember that there are people who love you, people who depend on you to make their lives whole. But mainly take a moment out of the crazy life that has become adulthood and remember to look at the world through the wonderful, mesmerized eyes of a child. Forget that there are creepy crawly bugs, and big scary crazy people in the world and turn your mountains back into mole hills. Have fun rolling in the grass, laugh a little too long, get lost in a book, stomp in the mud puddles, people watch.
   Mainly I speak to myself. For I have forgotten that the house doesn't have to be clean to have a good time, that building a fort is sometimes more important than having dinner on the table. That finger painting should take priority over scrubbing the bathroom.

   Have a fabulous rest of the night readers. You are much appreciated!

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