Wednesday, September 25, 2013

sick day schmick day

   Woke up feeling not so fabulous. But the life of a mom means.. suck it up buttercup. And that is exactly what I did. I dosed myself up on some vitamin C, made my coffee a little warmer than usual and put it in my to go cup and out the door we went for pre-school. Granted we were not in tip top shape walking out the door, JT was still slightly pink faced as a result from the birthday party we went to last night where the birthday boy turned him into Spiderman with face paint. He did a great job, and it really stays on there.
   Note to self, next time we face paint it should be at the end of the week and not the beginning.
   Porter stayed in a sleeper and I threw on some comfy gym pants a t-shirt and didn't even bother with hair. My intentions were to stop for some Apple cider and head my hind back home to finish watching the movie I had begged Ian to watch with me last night and then passed out half an hour into.
   Walmart was fun, as it is every time I take Ellie in. Of course the moment we walk in the store she has to pee. and of COURSE they would be cleaning the front bathrooms so we had to walk to the back. But we ended up getting out of there in under $50 and only one "So help me Ellie" I think that's a record. no seriously.
   On the way out though is when it started, the lovely part of your sick day that you cant take a sick day for. Ellie looked at me and said " what's on your face?" pointing to the pimple I got that showed up yesterday like it does every time I get sick, that I didn't bother covering this morning. I told her
    what it was and she says... "EW, what's it doing on your face? " valid question. remember it in 10 years. . . BWAHAHAHA!
   Nevertheless I get home and make plans for a friend to bring JT home so I don't have to make my way back out for a bit, and settle down with some hot tea and some water. Fluids are your friend when you are sick, remember that. And, while they are great for combating colds and such, they are also great for making you get up to pee every ten minutes. But what can you do?
   Porter stared acting a bit crab apple-ish so I put him down for a nap. Ellie was only behind by about an hour, mainly because I was tired of arguing and losing to a 2 year old by default. After her nap I sent JT up to let her out of her room and when she didn't follow him down I peeled myself off the couch and went in search of her new masterpiece/disaster. I found it.
   As my daughter quickly throws something in the corner of my bathroom I find her covered in a quarter of a $22 bottle moisturizing mask. Really Ell? Really? She clearly has never heard the statement " Soft as a babies bottom" because she felt the need to moisturize that puppy too.
   Thankfully Ian stopped on the way home and brought me some soup. And even though he has to leave in a bit for a meeting, I feel well equipped to deal with the kids, even if that means an On Demand movie rental and some popcorn, while I lay on my too short couch covered in a down comforter with the windows open sipping on ice water and hot cider.
    It may not make sense to you, but its temperature regulating.. don't judge me. you probably do weird things when you don't feel good too, like eat tomato soup.

   In summary here is my sick selfie: (everyone loves a selfie, even if you don't admit to it by posting them)  And don't worry, I will be back to my witty fabulous self in no time... even if it requires overdosing on some vitamins.

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