Friday, April 4, 2014

Talking to the Wall

   I remember hearing parents ask their children this while I was growing up. . . "Are you listening or am I just talking to the wall?" I know darn well I am not the only one who heard this, but I also remember thinking why do they say that? Of course we can hear you, what a dumb question.
   That was until I caught myself saying it today.
   I am pretty sure the wall would have been a better conversationalist today. If it could talk it would probably tell me that I have a horrible scream face, and that I should cool my jets before I scream loud enough to pee myself again. ... Don't judge... welcome to post baby bladders... It also would have told me that my hair looks fabulous today and I should really wear bangle bracelets more often.
   We are off to a pretty good friendship; in return I would have told it how nice of a color it was, and it would have reminded me that I picked it.
   Seriously, I think my children woke up on the wrong side of the bed, maybe the house in disarray is as bad for them as it is me, or perhaps they just decided its been a while since I was reminded that some days having 3 is enough.
   I had a nice chat today with a lady who had a nostalgic look on her face when she saw all the little kids running around being too loud. I apologized that they almost ran into her and she said she would take it any day over dealing with teenagers this week. Hers are now 14 and 17, and both girls. Hormones are running rampant in her house.. I laughed and told her that I was pretty sure my 3 year old could give them a run for their money this week. Between the attitude and the blatant not listening she decided that dancing in the middle of the mall was not only completely acceptable, but downright necessary. She started singing very loudly in the car and her off tune squeals were fabulous music to my ears. Its hard for me some days to reconcile the sweet little girl who would rather give her food to one of her brothers than see them be sad about dropping theirs with the little girl who looked me square in the face this morning and told me " I'm not going to get my shoes, that's your job"
   To throw a wrench in my day JT took to a poor attitude and a mouth worthy of soap today. Suddenly my sweet little boy, the one who is always polite and generally exceptionally behaved was back talking and yelling at me like he was raised with a bunch of ding dongs.  IT seemed today that every time I picked up the phone today he all of a sudden had an emergency that could not wait.. like he needed the toy he left outside 3 days ago. . . or to wear the shoes that we bought even though I told him no. . . or to tell me that there was poop in his butt.. SERIOUSLY?!
   The icing on my cake of a day was that Porter started digging his nails into me every time I nurse him and my chest and face is all scratched up. But he also crawled up into my lap and waved bye while rubbing his eyes. . That I take it is the new sign for its nap time.. I will let you know for sure when Ian gets home and I try it though.
   I am greatly looking forward to the ride to North Carolina tomorrow while the kids are home with a sitter since I will actually have a face to face conversation with him for the first time this week and the first conversation at all this week that was not interrupted by my yelling at one of the kids for being naked outside or jumping off furniture or slamming doors or swinging a curtain rod around the house like a sword from Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Oh Hallelujah.

   Back to the walls though.. It just told me it needs a good wiping down. . And on a good note for my week today I watched AmVets pick up 6 bags of my things and carry them off to the new homes.

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