Friday, October 19, 2012

Pregnant humor

   OK, call me crazy. I actually enjoy being pregnant. I know that with pregnancy comes nausea, and I get more than my fair share. I know that there are aches and pains, and after my hip separated too far and I could barely walk the last month of my pregnancy with Ellie, trust me I am fully aware of them. I know that there are headaches and food aversions (currently experiencing them for the first time) But after you put all the little annoyances aside you have to think about this.

   There is a human being living inside of you. A tiny little person, with fingers and toes and eyes and a heart. And you are the vessel in which it has been chosen to grow. Nothing more beautiful can happen in life.

   There are a million cool facts about being pregnant that absolutely amaze me. For instance: No 2 Fingerprints can be the same because they are formed on fingers and toes by the movements that each child makes while in the womb, starting, sometimes, as early as 6 weeks.  There is the fact that the first sense a fetus develops is the sense of touch, which is why we respond emotionally the strongest to it. The areas to develop first are the most sensitive as adults, this is followed quickly by the sense of smell, which accounts for some of the excitement that a baby makes when certain foods or scents are around. Before birth a baby can perceive light and dark, can hear voices and music, can dream.

   Then there are all the silly things that happen when you are pregnant. . like peeing yourself in public. . . guilty. Or, the interactions with strangers. I mean what other time in your life do complete strangers find it totally ok to walk up and touch you. . It's weird. I sometimes wonder how people would respond if I just randomly walked up and starting rubbing a mans stomach, or better. . . what if I just walked up and placed my hands on an old ladies face, looked her straight in the eye and said "Congrats for living to be ancient" I mean honestly. . who is ok with that??? I not only have no idea if you are one of those people who "forgets" to wash after using the bathroom, or if you have been sick recently, but also. . I am not sure what randomly touching a pregnant belly is supposed to do. . It's already growing. . no stoppin' it. . . why are you touching me? I LOVE the advice I get from people. like while I was pregnant with Ellie I would walk around somewhere and countless times get stopped to ask if my next baby was a boy or a girl. . After finding out that I was having a girl I would often here the following statement " Oh, wonderful. One of each. Now you can stop." I once responded to a group of 40 something women with "My goal is 12 boys. I am just going to keep going until I get them, this one doesn't even count" Admittedly I was a bit on the snarky side that day, and have not in fact admitted that to anyone until now. Not my best moment, but hey, hormones are fun like that.

  I found this on Pinterest about 6 months ago and thought it was hilariously inappropriate. . Sort of like some of the things people say to you while you are pregnant, and how personal they can get.

    I, being a sufferer of some pretty awful morning sickness have unfortunately been a source of amusement to my children so far this pregnancy. They have quite quickly picked up on the things that turn my stomach.  For instance, poop. Having a toddler who is only partially potty trained I encounter that on a fairly regular basis. I manage to pass it off to anyone who is around pretty well, but sometimes there is just no way of getting around it. Both JT and Ellie start mimicking my loud and embarrassing gagging noise. Sometimes for fun they do it in unison while I am driving down the road and laugh hysterically. Much to nobodies surprise Ian finds it just as funny. 
   As with any mommy-to-be my favorite part is guessing what my baby will look like, will my baby be a boy or a girl, and what will they like. What will they dislike, what activities will they enjoy. What kind of stupid things can I make them wear and later blackmail them with. For instance pictures like these. .  
But honestly, I am totally excited to be pregnant again. While looking forward to having some more energy again, I know that the beautiful baby inside of me will grow up to be an awesome kid that brings me immense joy and plenty of laughs.

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