Sunday, October 7, 2012

Reha and the Doggie Police

Friday started out like any other potentially great and fantastic day. Sadly, that was short lived. Like any other Friday I went to clean for the family I clean for. Picked up JT and my sister from my mom's, where they stayed the night last night, and grabbed something to eat. On my way back we stopped at 5 and Below. . I ended up with the vacuum sealed storage bags. (don't be mad Courtney, I tried to resist.) I finally gave in and bought them after trying to convince myself to go back through and again get rid of some of the kids baby clothes since I made a deal with Ian that I would only save 1 tote worth for each child.. well they are both full. However he made no restrictions on how I could get said clothes in the bin and I feel that secretly I am cheating the system. It's all very thrilling if you are like me. . . with slight hoarder tendencies that I am actively resisting.. . except when it comes to baby clothes.. they are so little and they smell so good, and they are adorable. Don't judge!
Upon my return to my house I noticed something wrong. My front door was sitting slightly open. Who knows what's coming? I bet most of you do. Here. . I will even let you have a minute to think it over just in case you haven't figured it out yet.. .

Dun-dun Dun-dun Dun-dun DUN Dun-dun Dun-dun DUN Dun-dun Dun-dun..
Time up.

So after stepping inside with both children, my sister, and my friend Sarah who met us at the house, I immediately smell dirty diaper and rotten food. AWESOME. . Freakin escape artist. I honestly feel dread, pure anger, and amusement all at once. I mean should I consider signing Reha up as a rescue Dog? or just donate her to the circus? She can honestly get out of anything. Including her plastic crate. FABULOUS!
If any of you are vets, or vet techs I am in the market for Doggie Xanax. . .seriously.
I look in her crate and have no idea how she managed this one. The door is still latched at the top, and I can't for the life of me figure out how this big OAF of a dog maneuvered out of a partially latched door. . but in the process she knocked Cookies crate over. Honestly amusing, because Cookie is not only antsy because she wants to go to the bathroom, but every time she moves it rocks her crate back and forth. LOL
After realizing Reha is not in the house I open the door and head for the neighbors. You know the nice lady 2 doors down who occasionally rescues Reha and throws her in the back yard.. . and then a sight at the end of the street stops me. .


with Reha climbing in. WELL S**T this is not going to go over well.
Reha apparently decided to chase an outdoor cat. . Right into a culvert pipe (the metal pipes that are under ditches etc.) where she conveniently got stuck. The owner of the cat decided to call animal control. We will not be making friends anytime soon. I will NOT be baking them Christmas cookies.

Screaming down the road like an idiot hoping they can hear me I let them know that the A-hole dog they are holding in fact belongs to me. Then I got 50 questioned about her health. She currently has a few spots of missing fur on her side from over scratching, as a result of fleas. We have treated the yard and the animals and the house and have resulted to calling in the experts because these darn things come back every time we think we have finally gotten rid of them with a new spray or method or steam cleaning or tearing the house apart with the vacuum. If you know me at all, you know that none of my animals are starved for anything. They are all well fed, well cared for and completely loved. And being accused of keeping an "unsterile environment" and "not properly feeding" my dogs is extremely offensive. I exercised great restraint by not letting the wonderful man standing in front of me where he could go with his notions.
After bringing her home and putting her inside I was granted not just one but 3 summons to appear in court later this month. The first, for failing to keep my dog on my property, the second, for being unable to produce either of my dogs rabies vaccination papers... I am pretty awful about paperwork... my "filing system" consists of a basket on the table. . . it has any bill or important document I may need in it. Yeah, I know, not a great system. . I am working on it, ok? The third of which was for failing to register either of my animals in Spotsylvania county. WHICH, by the way I think is OUTRAGEOUS!
Needless to say there have been a few discussions since our lovely Doggie Police visit and Reha is officially sporting her shock collar again. It is getting lots of use, and we have agreed to both be more diligent about her behavior.All of this happens on the last day of the week that consisted of returning to town at 3:45 am on Monday, a severe lack of sleep, a rough week in the world of my sister, Ellie repeating me when I was in pain and dropping the "F" bomb, and lots and lots of errand running, and another one of my Victoria Secret bras meeting the ultimate fate that is Reha's stomach. I am determined that next week will be better. I am sure of it. Mainly because I know that God would not subject me to 2 fun filled weeks like this in a row. To top off my lovely Friday I get a phone call from my dad saying that I received another summons on his door. This one thankfully I already was prepared for, but did not save me from a half heart attack and the compulsion to slam my head against the steering wheel repeatedly. . The smug lawyer from my VCU collections case ( the one where they failed to file my paperwork properly and are charging me for a semester of classes I never attended) which I won by the way!!! Is appealing my case. I have to be back in court in December for that one. I plan on being uber prepared and a lot less nervous this time around.

Either way, we could use some of those positive thoughts you guys love to send us! Love you guys. Thanks for being such awesome loyal readers. Stay tuned.. there is some big news coming your way very soon!


  1. I don't know if you've tried it, but K9 Advantix 2 works pretty well. It's prescribed by a vet, but you can also buy it via Amazon. It's based on weight and is applied once a month for both fleas and ticks. You might be able to get a sample from your vet and then order it if you like it. The dog would just have to be kept away from any cats until it dries.

    1. Thanks Gracie. I have tried Frontline and the new Comfortis Pill, as well as several sprays and over the counter medications. We are not having any luck with any of it. It seems to do nothing for her except irritate her skin. My poor dog is missing several patches on her face and body that she has just rubbed raw. we have even had to get the hydrocortizone spray to treat them. She just licks it off. . I am hoping after we get the house under control that a new shampoo will kill whats on her and then we can be through with this. I will try the advantix next month when she can be treated again.
