Thursday, October 25, 2012

Terrible pre- 2's

     Hello Attitude.

   As many of you know I have always wanted 3 boys. My justification being that I wished to not deal with periods ( mine was a pain in the butt enough to deal with I don't need another one to worry about) or Barbie shoes, or hormones, or long hair, because Ian likes mine long and I do nothing with it except throw it in a ponytail and go, but I just don't think I can do the same for my daughters.  All logical reasons for preferring boys who destroy stuff and get dirty.
   God had another plan for me. I am not sure if Ellie is supposed to be a lesson in patience, or a lesson that you can't always get what you want. Either way, both are working.
   Ellie Lorraine Thomas, she is the most adorable, quirky, lovable little girl I have ever met, full of little bits of personality strong enough to be a full grown lady, all packed into chunky thighs and wacky hair. Granted I am biased. She to date is 1 year 9 months and 13 days old. She has the largest attitude I have ever seen on a toddler. JT was so easy. The worst of his attitude consists of a fake cry on his way to time out, picking on his sister and a "mean face".

                      Oh brother is Ell Raine DIFFERENT!

  She rolls her eyes, and even worse cuts them at me. For instance if she is told to "knock it off" when Daddy is not around she will cut her eyes at me and let out an exacerbated sigh. REALLY?  She was unhappy with me the other day for telling her she was not allowed to do something, and she gave me a full blown eye roll. These have been going on for about 3-4 months now. She loves loves loves to pick on JT. She thinks it's hilarious to take whatever cup her brother has- the moment he is not looking- and with the largest grin she can conjure, take a nice long drink, always exactly long enough for him to notice, and then tuck said cup under her arm and run. The goal is making it to the laundry room where she will laugh and return it without an issue. If she does not make it that far, her capture is always announced abruptly with a blood curdling scream. Her squeal is just enough to induce migraines.
   Nothing brings Ellie joy like hearing JT scream her name across the house in anger. Personally, I have to admit, it is amusing. He gets a little pink in the cheeks and balls up his fists. His whole little body tenses and he screams her name in his scruffy mad voice, followed by running in whatever direction she left with his stuff. Nose scrunched, lips curled back and angry as hell. It is at this moment that she starts to giggle uncontrollably, sometimes to the point of tripping herself and running into things.
   Now that JT is getting older he feels the need to lecture her. This lead to one of the funniest sights of my parenting thus far, as I imagined myself and my older brother when we were teenagers. JT stood in the living room with his finger pointing at Ellie, tearing her a new one about how she should not touch his things. It was his cup and his toy and she is not allowed to do that. "wanna go to time-out? Need a fankin'?" (spanking) Ellie responded by putting her hand on her hip, rolling her eyes at him, turning on her heel and sighing. She marched half way across the room before turning back around to cut her eyes at him once more, and sealed the attitude sandwich with a " Go way"
   Where does she even get this material? Holy crap is it hereditary? Oh no, she's not even 2 and I don't know how I am going to make it to teenagers. The best part is that she follows her attitude up with a big cheesy grin, a hug and when she gets in trouble she always responds with "yes ma'am." even to her Daddy.  

   Oh who are we kidding. Ian never yells at her. . She is Daddy's Little Princess. . .  Oh God, It IS hereditary.

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