Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Almost There

   26 weeks. 6.5-ish months. 182 days ( give or take a few). That is how far pregnant I am. Considering there is only 3 months left in this pregnancy, by my count 12 weeks since I was early with both JT (induced) and Ellie (a wonderful 4 am water- breaking wake up call).
   I have a million and one things going on these days and in the grand scheme of life I have literally a blink of an eye left before my body delivers a change to my entire world, as well as the world of everyone in my house. There's still a list of necessities to purchase, half a house to clean and organize, and then there's the whole setting up my house for the baby part- crib, going through clothes and washing them, setting up a swing, gathering my nursing stuff, packing bags and a few thousand other small tasks that I have on just as many mental lists. You know--- nothing a nesting woman unleashed on her house can't cover, as long as she can walk.
   I have to be honest though, I am fairly content with this pregnancy. After I got through my aversion to food in general and was able to keep down most everything, I actually began to enjoy it. For those of you with children already I know that this sounds crazy. For those of you who have heard horror stories, I must apologize.. some of them may have even come from me, but honestly I enjoy being pregnant. I love the flutters and the movements. I love the growing belly, the weird urges and the cool facts.. Like how finger prints are made, and when the baby can hear outside voices etc.
   Sure, there are plenty of things I don't like about being pregnant. . For instance, the fact that I have had to replace my shoes every pregnancy because my feet grow. They tell you about ligament stretching and hip widening blah blah blah.. they don't tell you that your feet will never again fit into those expensive shoes you finally convinced your husband to let you buy. . . which may or may not be still in my closet 3 years later.. don't judge me.. I have delusional fantasies. I also dislike the swelling, which by the way, seasons do not really make a difference for most women. So, February or July your fingers at some point will look like sausages and your wedding band that slid on perfectly 2 days ago may wake you up at 3 a.m. cutting off circulation to your finger and scaring you half to death. ( Side note : Can someone please remind me to go to the jewelry store and have mine cut off before that happens again?)
   You know what else I dislike about being pregnant? Heartburn. I am aware that child birth pain according to the bible was a punishment to women for sin, pretty sure God could have stopped at heartburn. Seriously. It's like having a blow torch inside your throat, and can be triggered by anything. And I mean anything. You go all day without it, and suddenly the last sip of water you take before bed triggers it. BOOM... hello inferno, good luck sleeping tonight.
   There is this myth that spicy and acidic foods are the main triggers, but honestly, I think that is a lie designed by health food advocates. I don't even know what triggers mine, besides generalizing it as any sustenance that I consume. Oh, I almost forgot, the growing miracle that insists on shoving my stomach into my mouth at random intervals throughout the day, that could potentially have something to do with it. Oh, there are all these "tricks" to help prevent heartburn, like not reclining for 45 minutes after eating anything.. is that even possible when you are pregnant? You would never ever recline.. which by the way is another issue.. after eating you're so bloated that you can't sit straight.. and that's after eating a snack.. Dinner makes me feel like an oompa loompa.
   Back to the joys of pregnancy. Actually... excuse me, I have to go take some more Zantac. We will discuss this further at another point. When my esophagus is not capable of making s'mores and I can think straight.

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