Thursday, February 7, 2013

Through the Eyes of a 3 Year Old

Confession: there's still a Christmas tree on my back deck.
Don't judge... I at least took the lights off before it made it out of
my house, and in all fairness its been a bit crazy over the last few
weeks. We have been out of town 3 times, with a million and one
things going on, and Ian has had weird work hours.
With that said, I have been complaining to Ian about not ever
seeing deer in my back yard. I was honestly looking forward to the
frequent visits since there is not only a creek running through our
yard, but also our property backs up to Lee Drive, which as most
of you know is a popular park running between Laffayette Blvd and
Lansdowne Rd. I was greatly disappointed that its been 10 months
since we bought our house and there have been zero sightings. I
have considered salt licks and several other ideas for drawing them
to our fence line. Ian likes to rub it in that he hears them regularly..
Sunday morning when we had a light dusting I was standing at
my back door admiring how pretty the woods were when I saw
some movement a few feet back into the woods, it was then that
I saw them.. several large doe a smaller deer and a big buck.
I called JT over to show him, as we often admire the birds and
squirrels together, and I am not sure he has ever seen deer before.
It took him a moment, but when they finally caught his attention he
screamed something incoherent.
At first I was confused, and slowly I started to understand him
talking about presents and the word Santa.. For a few minutes I still
could not put 2 and 2 together, and I had to break his heart and tell
him Christmas was not for a while... then it clicked..
My son witnessed "magic" thanks to our lack of thorough un-
decorating. (it's a word.. go with it). Not only was it snowing, but
having never seen real deer, they looked like reindeer to him.. and
there was a Christmas tree.... still in its stand I might add. All of this
could only mean one thing.. Santa was in fact in our back yard.
I did not have it in my heart to tell him the truth at this time. The
truth being, mommy and daddy are lazy and the decorations are
still in the laundry room, and those are regular ole' deer, nothing
magical.. and frankly its cold as balls outside so it snowed. So for
now... JT got to see Santa, in February. What I would give to have
that kind of reasoning, and luck.. Santa doesn't leave the North
Pole for just anyone.

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