Wednesday, May 8, 2013

6:30 am observations

   I have been in full "Evict Porter" mode for a few days now. I have done just about everything I can think of or read up on to no avail.. After laying in bed for over an hour this morning I decided that while it was a.) not raining and b.) there were no children awake except the inhabitant, I would use my time wisely and go for a walk.
   My walks are normally accompanied by either my neighbor or my husband and always at least 1 child. This means that there is a lot of stopping and slow movement, as my toddlers like to stop and observe EVERYTHING on their walks. Not that this is really a bad thing, but when you are more focused on making sure you don't lose one, rarely do you take the time to stop and look around. This morning on the other hand I had the time to observe, and the luxury of walking at my speed.
   I made mental note of a few things that I am not sure I would have noticed otherwise. For example... an unfortunate amount of frogs get run over in my neighborhood. Which really is sad for me because in addition to my mammal loving tendencies, I also used to own a few frogs. They were actually African Fire bellied Toads. Super cool little things that make a barking noise rather than the suspected "ribbit" or "croak." I am even that crazy lady that will intentionally avoid hitting one if I can help it without putting myself or any other vehicles in danger.
   Another random tidbit that may interest you all.. The cicadas are really coming. It's started already, and they are just as creepy as I remember them being when I was a kid. I can remember my dad taking me outside to show me what they looked like and me getting all close and personal with one that was chilling on the tree in the back yard. I am curious to see the reactions of my children to these weird looking super bugs, as neither kid really cares too much for the insect varieties. Last night while waiting for Ian to get home I spotted a spider in the floor. We get some super yucky ones here, like the hunting spiders that are the size of your face and jump.. Ok, the size part may be a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much.. and they really do jump. This one, however, was only about an inch long, and even though I am TERRIFIED  of spiders I was not in the mood for JT to see it first and then have to listen to the screaming and crying that accompany such sightings. After I started beating it with a flip flop and squirming like a baby getting a diaper changed, he caught on. He backed off very slowly and when it was dead he said.. " Mommy. That was yucky. I really really hate spiders."

Me too, little man, me too.

   Also, I was impressed to see that most of my neighbors are not procrastinators like we are and had their trash out on the curbs already. While this week we do have ours out, we usually just barely make the trash pick up. Sadly, not as many of them recycle as I would like to see, and the environmentalist in me considered taping a flyer to their trash cans about how easy it is. You already pay for the service people.. just throw your crap in there and put it out with the trash. Its the same day, and they even make it easy for you... no sorting and they don't even ask that you rinse it. The recycle can tells you you don't have to. Come ON!!
   On a happier note, I have found a new yard in my neighborhood to obsess over. There is one that I really like that the landscaping is just beautiful. Half of our neighborhood got a facelift last year when we had the hail storm. Including our house, many of them got either new roofs, new siding or both. Its amazing how much updated siding can do for the appeal of the neighborhood. The lovely landscaped house also took that time to start working on their yard. The gentleman that lives there has been doing it himself, I see him out in his yard most every weekend and sometimes during the week too. They lined their huge ditch with big garden stones and have the pretty flowers that creep over them strategically placed. They have beautiful, full, colorful flower beds lining their property, and a pretty bridge to get over the ditch. It really is gorgeous and they have not even finished yet. This new house's yard is not as elaborate, but seriously people not a single weed in their grass. Its gorgeous, and had it not been soaked from a day and half of rain I may have been tempted to lay in it. It just looks so comfy and plush. They do have a flower bed, and well mulched beds bordering the house, but the grass... beautiful. Compared to my house at the moment though I think the majority of the houses in my neighborhood are ahead. In all fairness though, you guys saw the Kubota pictures with JT. . We did just have 2 stumps removed from the front yard, one of which belonged to what Ian and I had affectionately named the Octo-Tree. This baby spread its seed like nobodies business. And the root system on those things were awful. By the time you realized it was there it was too late. Nothing sort of Round-Up took care of them by the time they reached a foot tall, and you even had to cut the top off to make sure the round up got in their good enough. I should post a picture of what the stump looked like out of the ground, It reminds me of Ursula..
   Yes, I think it is just as evil as her too.
   Other than that I have nothing new and exciting to say today. However.. If any of you would like to send happy labor thoughts my way I would not turn them down. Happy Wednesday?!

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