Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Post 100. can you believe it!?

   To celebrate a HUGE post for me, I decided to be a little vulnerable and share 100 things about myself that you may or may not know.... Some will be funny, some will be hard to hear and others might be an overshare.. Who is ready?!?!?

1. Sometimes I open my mouth and my father comes out.. usually in song..
2. this.. ^ ... is apparently an inherited trait that my children also share..
3. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is also the right one.
4. The worst part of parenting is not actually being a human tissue.
5. Boogie suckers are still disgusting.
6. No matter how much you love your husband, cleaning up his little beard trimmings and dirty underwear is never enjoyable.
7. When I was a teen my father made me put in writing that my daughter could have a phone in her room whenever she wanted.. I used to think the joke was on him because I wasn't going to have daughters. Now I know its because nobody uses a land line anymore.
8. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. A synonym for that is cleaning my house. I promise.. Look it up.
9. The more children I have the less I like bugs and being outside.
10. When all your friends are screaming at you to do the same thing.. you should generally head warning.. Run, as fast as you can.
11. True Love knows no age. Good for you means good for you, and Bad for you is bad, no matter how many years are between you.
12. Sometimes the memories of a friend are more valuable than that friend is anymore, and that means it's time to walk away.
13. It will be a long time before any movie can touch as many people as Frozen did. I think Olaf is a world wide house hold name now.
14. When I am feeling bad about myself I sometimes let myself get sucked into terrible online celebrity articles.. You know.. the 25 Celebs whose looks have gone downhill kind of things..
15. Forever is a really long time, and it seems like even longer when you are fighting
16. Other peoples opinions don't really matter as much as you think they do.
17. Nobody's house looks like it stepped out of Martha Stewart's catalogs.. seriously. . Stop scrubbing your floors with a toothbrush when you have company coming..
18. I never thought I would have to have so many conversations about vaginas with a 3 year old as I do...
19. I may drive like a grandma but I still have never gotten a ticket... Booyah!
20. No moment more perfectly fits the "waiting for the other shoe to drop" so closely as when you finally get all of your children to bed after a long day and your husband is actually home and the house is clean.. In these moments I am almost too scared to move.
21. I might actually be late for my own funeral. I think science can prove at this point that I am incapable of being on time for anything.. ever..
22. In the last year my coffee intake has gone from 1 cup/day to 3-4.
23. I know all of the theme songs for toddler shows on Disney and Nickelodeon.
24. I don't let my children watch Peter Rabbit because he lies and cheats his way out of things and I think that's a terrible lesson for children to be exposed to all of the time..
25. I parent my children almost exactly the opposite of how I thought I would.
26. I guilt trip my husband into doing things. I don't mean to, but I do it.
27. I live an hour away from DC and I have never been to any museum except the Holocaust Museum.
28. Watching Shark Week last year made me briefly second guess showering.. or getting in a pool ever again.
29. I only drink bottled water.
30. I am obsessed with Elephants.
31. I name all of my children's stuffed animals.
32. I can not sing worth a hoot, but if there is not another adult in the car I will belt it out like Whitney Houston...
33. I am guilty of hiding in the laundry room and raiding my children's candy stash.
34. I organize my groceries on the conveyor belt according to how I want to put them away, and it makes me cringe when the cashier bags them differently, but I am too nice to say anything.
35. I have panic attacks, and almost every single one of them is over something ridiculous.
36. If I start sweating while getting dressed I will get completely naked and yell. And then I will throw things. Ian usually takes this moment to leave the room.
37. Hearing of people I went to school with passing away makes me downright angry. Especially when it was senseless. I should feel sorrow etc, but instead I get mad because that is not the way God meant for us to live. God never meant for children to grow up without parents.
38. I never wanted to drive a mini van, and now that its broken down I miss it.
39. One of my 5 year goals is to have 1000 followers on this blog, and the thought of that terrifies me.
40. There are days I regret buying a house.
41. I yell at my daughter for never wearing underwear, but I still secretly hate them.
42. I cant stand the way microfiber feels. It gives me the eeby jeebies.
43. I am still sort of scared of lightening and thunder.
44. I love Oldies. If I could pick a generation to live in.. it would be the 50's
45. I don't think its anyone else's business how long I breastfeed, and I bite my tongue when people bring it up because I don't like being rude, but in case you were wondering.. I don't have a plan on when I am stopping, I will stop when I am darn ready and it is no longer mutually beneficial to me and my child. There is a simple solution if you disagree with me.. Don't breastfeed your child that long.
46. While we are on the topic, I don't recall asking how many children you thought I should have.. Keep giving me crap about it and my answer of 5 will turn into 9. Try me.
47. I call my husband 30 minutes after he leaves the house every day. It drives him crazy but I do it anyways.
48. I am not afraid of turning 30.
49. I understand why my dad used to yell at me for whining.. its annoying.
50. I think its important to teach your children that you are not perfect either, so that they know its ok to fail, its just not ok to give up.
51. I dislike when people bad mouth their ex's. Perhaps me still holding on to the if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all thing.
52. I am an avid recycler. I even keep empty bottles etc. in my car until I get home so that I don't have to throw them away.
53. I can tell you every teacher I have ever had.
54. I DO NOT like spiders.. I am fairly convinced that they can unhinge their jaws and eat me in my sleep.
55. About once a month I try to force my daughter to watch Beauty and the Beast or the Little Mermaid. So far I have not succeeded.
56. If I could move to a place where it was Fall year round I would go in a heart beat.
57. I want to see the ball drop in NY for New Years Eve.
58. I would be the crazy animal lady if my husband would allow it.
59. I sometimes dream about renting a really nice hotel for my birthday just so I can take a nap without screaming children downstairs.
60. I have way too many coffee mugs. Ian has made me agree to a "1 in 1 out" policy. I try to get around it as much as possible.
61.  I have a bad habit of buying things for Ian when I am supposed to be spending money on myself.
62. I obsess about buying the perfect gift.
63. I feel bad that Ellie's birthday is in January because she only gets to unwrap presents for a 2 week period.
64. I plan on donating my eggs. I might do it repeatedly.
65. I am terrified of needles, but had no issues getting my tattoos
66. I really want my nose pierced but I am too scared of my dad being disappointed to actually go through with it.
67. I have become addicted to buying cute cloth diapers
68. I really want to have a progressive dinner party.
69. My favorite date nights with Ian are the nights where we sit at home in our sweat pants and laugh at the Pinterest Humor section.
70. I can fall asleep in any position, in an instant if I am tired enough. I fall asleep mid sentence all the time.
71. I could spend hours just watching the kids interact.
72. I like the smell of gasoline, but I hate to pump my own gas.
73. I procrastinate way too much.
74. I try not to get into new shows because I get sucked in and let it become an episode marathon.
75. I once read 100 pages of a book by cell phone light so that I wouldn't wake up Ian.
76. I love to bake and cook. It would be so much better if I didn't have to clean it up afterwards though.
77. I really wish I could just pay someone to come clean my house really well a few times a year, get it organized, dust and wipe down everything and then I could just keep it up..
78. We go through up to 4 lbs of bacon in a week in my house when I am eating the way I should.
79. I have a thyroid condition and I am really bad about taking my medicine.,, speaking of which..
80. I still wish upon a star.
81. Sometimes I have a hard time really grasping that I have 3 kids.
82. I still pray for people from my past. I hope that they are happy, that they are healthy and that they feel fulfilled in their lives, even though we no longer speak.
83. Mispronunciation of the words water, ask and then and than bother me.. like nails on a chalk board.
84. I don't own a full length mirror because I don't want to nit pick myself.
85. My family does not know it, but I dealt with an eating disorder for a while.
86. Classic Rock makes me think of my dad and long car rides.
87. My favorite color is Yellow
88. I wasn't sure I could come up with 100 things about myself.
89. I don't like red meat. I force myself to eat burgers every once in a while but I eat steak maybe once a year.
90. I still eat ketchup on my turkey.
91. I don't like anything wet to touch my skin. It makes me really angry.
92. My daddy taught me to make grilled cheese when I was 4. It is still my favorite go to food even though I really shouldn't eat bread or cheese.
93. I bite my cuticles. sometimes my nails.
94. I refuse to shave my legs when its cold outside unless I absolutely have to. Ian can deal with it.
95. I used to wonder if we were all just someone else's dream and they were going to wake up.
96. The sound of the dog licking repeatedly grosses me out.
97. The thought of my little dog Cookie dying makes me really sad, and I have actually cried over it.
98. When I was pregnant with JT I used to cry because Ian didn't get to hang out with his friends more.
99. I think you should have to pass a random behind the wheel test every 10 years in order to keep your license. People drive like idiots.
100. I think that most important thing in the world to do during your life time is to add value to someone elses life.

  Hopefully you know me a little better now. Thank you all for making this post a reality! Can you believe that we have 100 posts under our belt together? Please keep sharing, keep commenting, liking and letting me know what you want to hear more of. I have a feeling there might be another Reha post coming soon.  I think I owe you guys a good funny update on my days and perhaps to do something fun we might invite a friend to blog for us? Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your 100th post my love. I just want to say that you are the most beautiful wonderful loving wife and mother. You words inspire me daily and will inspire millions in your lifetime. I am proud of you and I am thankful to God that he set you aside for me. I love you and all that you are.
